Rock concert

Hello. I have a Biotronik implanted in April. I went to a Bryan Adam's concert three weeks ago, sitting near the front. As soon as the music started I realised it was a bad idea. I felt very disturbing vibrations coming up from the floor and got a marked tachycardia. My cardiologist thinks this was due to the pacemaker mistaking the vibration for extreme activity rather than an electromagnetic effect. 
Has anyone experienced similar?






by Tracey_E - 2023-12-08 11:29:44

I've had it happen a few times at really loud concerts, but it never lasted long. Unless we are sitting on the stage, we are not close enough to the speakers for it to be the magnets so I assumed it was the vibration. It feels odd but is harmless and  hasn't stopped me from going to more concerts. 

Pacemaker Interference from noise

by ANDREW75 - 2023-12-08 13:31:00

I have read about capacitive accelerometers and crystals that are built in modern pacemakers that sense movement . I know little, but the link might be of help. This confirms your EP statement

Hope it was a good concert



Yes here too

by Gemita - 2023-12-08 14:22:48

I foolishly agreed to go to the Nottinghill Carnival in London a few years ago.  It was wonderful to see the colourful parades, but the vibratory sounds coming from the bands and the beat of the drums triggered my atrial fibrillation, sustaining tachycardia for several hours, which then triggered non sustained VT episodes when I almost collapsed.  I was symptomatic and poorly for hours.  Won't be doing that again in a hurry but Nottinghill was always the festival that we wanted to attend.

Did Bryan Adams sing "Everything I do - I do it for you?"  Love that song

Uh huh!

by Lavender - 2023-12-08 17:53:23

I went to an outdoor live band concert. My heart felt weird. I felt vibrating in there and quickly moved way back from the stage. All is well as long as I stay away from the speakers. 


by piglet22 - 2023-12-09 09:47:25

This tickled me.

It's a long time since I last went to a live concert (Bob Dylan Blackbushe Aerodrome 1970's?)

So far back from the stage that you had to use your imagination, a lot.

These days, it’s concerts on the telly.

Risking being considered a bit not me too or whatever, I do start to pay attention when the late great Tina Turner comes on. I don't know about heart rhythm, but she sure was some lady. Belting out Proud Mary is as good as it gets.

We recently had Debbie Harries and Blondie. Lovely.

Last night watched Burt Bacharach in concert. Had me close to tears at times. Lovely songs and music, very talented.

The TV these days is the safest option, but I do envy anyone who makes it to the front row at Glastonbury or Hyde Park. It's as good as medicine whichever way you choose.

There certainly are some health hazards in getting close to these sound systems.

Apart from the obvious hearing problems, the low frequency (bass) speakers are pumping out a lot of energy that can go a long distance through air and soft tissue, Wasn't infrasound suspected at the US embassy on Cuba? I think it was dismissed eventually.

It's noticeable that at modern concerts, the group individuals at the front of stage are protected from the drummer by transparent shields, or vice versa.

Certainly, with more sensors like accelerometers going into implanted devices, it might not be wise to shake them up to much. If you inadvertently found a resonant frequency, you could do some damage.

Maybe with phone apps for devices becoming the norm, a concert mode could be part of the settings.

To our US friends, I was impressed to see Lady Gaga at the inauguration. Much better than God save the King.

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