Hair clippers?

I'm new here.  I had my ICD implanted in 2021.  I had multiple "therapies" in the month of December.  With a little more research, I have been educated about the possibility of a false shock or not operating correctly due to the magnet field of other devices.

Has anyone heard of someone receiving a shock while getting a haircut from the clippers?

Thanks in advance.  


I use clippers...

by USMC-Pacer - 2024-01-14 21:48:44

... all the time on my head and beard. I've never had an issue

In the ER

by VandalBasher - 2024-01-14 22:07:43

USMC-Pacer, when I was in the ER, the medical assistant began to prep my chest to shock me.  My defibrillator went off.  So, I have been exceptionally afraid of any devices near my ICD.

Also, thank you for serving in the USMC.  I was.recently medically retired from the Army.


by piglet22 - 2024-01-15 06:22:12


You need to provide a bit more information.

Are, or were the clippers you are talking about mains powered or battery powered?

It makes a difference, not just from the shock risk but from the type of motor used.

Both will have magnetic fields, but the battery powered version will likely have a permanent magnet motor and the mains powered version is only magnetised when powered up and running.

Mains powered versions should be a minimum of Class 2 (double insulated) UK and preferably used in an isolating power outlet as found in bathroom shaver sockets for extra safety.

Like any electrical device, it make sense to follow the 6" rule when it comes to implanted devices.

Was your assistant using powered clippers on your chest? Sounds a bit unwise under the circumstances.

The last time I had leads attached, the medic used a disposable safety razor.

Personally, I think the external risks to devices from most of the things that crop up here are overstated, but a defibrillator maybe needs a bit more care and common sense, as you found out.


by docklock - 2024-01-15 10:53:54

When they were "prepping" they probably used a battery powered clipper to 'de-hair' you -- easy and quick for them.  

IF you ever have to be shavd in that area INSIST they used a disposable razor and shaving cream.  That may be a little extra work on their part, but who cares.

As to shaving my face and neck, I have never personaly had any issue with my PM. I use a battery shaver for face and neck and a plug-in shaver for my head.



by Julros - 2024-01-15 23:17:07

Hospitals use clippers for hair removal to avoid skin knicks, which increase risk of wound infection. 

I doubt that the shaver/clippers triggered a shock. Magnets disable the ICD, and many devices will make a sound when this happens. 

 If the team was prepping to shock you externally, then perhaps you had an unstable rhythm and the ICD was doing its job. 

I used to work in an area that prepped and recovered cardiac procedure patients. I've also prepped people for open heart surgery and that includes removal off all chest hair. I never saw an ICD triggered with hospital clippers. 

Thank you for the responses!

by VandalBasher - 2024-01-16 19:02:17

Yes, the trimmers in question to remove my chest hair were indeed battery operated. 

I feel comfortable with getting back to using my hair clippers (plug in) and beard trimmer (batteries) while doing all of the necessary precautions.  

I appreciate you all with reducing my overall anxiety regarding another shock.  

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