Pacemaker Installed Today

So today is day one of my new pacemaker life. 


Welcome :)

by Nina38 - 2024-01-31 20:53:19

As a patient recipient for 35 years, I want to welcome you to the pacemaker club! 

Woohoo thank God

by Lavender - 2024-01-31 21:11:55

Spencer, you were in my prayers today! Congratulations on the courage you displayed in moving ahead with your lifesaver!  May your recovery go well. Don't wear the sling more than a day or two. Move your arm but keep the pacemaker arm below the shoulder. Rest. Hydrate and be good to yourself!

 I am proud of you!❤️‍🩹🌸


by Good Dog - 2024-02-01 07:20:37

Congratulations on your new and improved life!

It just gets better from here!





by Pacer2019 - 2024-02-01 12:56:22

How was it? Did it go as you imagined or shall we say dreaded?


by Flo - 2024-02-01 20:27:48

Congratulations! Glad you posted and hope you are doing well.  

How did it go?

by Spencer - 2024-02-03 18:02:56

Given my combat PTSD, it went really smoothly.  The heart goes pretty high under light exercise. 

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Member Quotes

Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.