
My pacemaker has been in for one year and just had my one year checkup with the doctor.  He said I went into A-Fib around December and suggests that I have Ablation.

Has anyone had to have ablation for A-Fib?   Last May I had a TVAR.  How long is recovery for ablation?   If anyone has had ablation, does it really make a difference in heart palpatations?  



by Julros - 2024-02-10 16:46:00

I have had 2 ablation procedures. The first was for atrial flutter, which is usually generated on the right side of the heart  pretty straight forward to ablate. At that time I was implanted with a pacer for 2nd degree type II heart blocker. About 2 years later I developed atrial fib and left sided atrial flutter. That procedure took much longer, but I do feel better. My main symptom was a lack of endurance and shortness of breath when jogging. I was told to "take it easy" for about 2 weeks, mainly to allow the groin punctures to heal. 


by islandgirl - 2024-02-13 23:21:45

I've had numerous ablations in the atrial chambers for numerous arrhythmias, with both a PM and an ICD.  An EP experienced with AFIB ablations is imperative.  There is a healing period after the ablation where you may have arrhythmias.  Give it time......  Limited lifting and straining while you're healing.  


by Tony Stark - 2024-02-17 10:48:38

I have had three ablations. The last to actually stop the A-fib once & for all. The pace maker/defribrillator was implanted at that time. That was in 2017. I am paced 100%. As far as I recall there was no recovery period, I was sent home the next day, and was back to work the next day. 

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