to ski or not to ski

I woud like some opinions undestanding there is probably no right or wrong answer.

My husband grew up skiing.  I did not. At 30 years old I started skiing on an anuual ski trip with my husband, friends, and our four daughters that came along over the years.  I was a decent skiier, not great.

We did this for about 20 years then stopped when schedules for children did not allow the family trip. 

I have not skiied in 14 years. 

We are planning a reuniion ski trip for our family, husbands, fiances at  the end of March at Mammoth Mountain.

I have had my pacemaker for 2 years this month. (2nd degree AV block) Everything is going well. I am 65.  I have no known health problems. I am fairly fit, not overweight and like to walk, bike, and moderately hike. My knees are not great.

I am aprehensive about skiing again at this time.  I don't want to risk a crash, damage to my pacemaker, or other body parts to prevent me from doing the other things I enjoy. 

I will go onn this trip regardless and know I will have a good time. I have mixed emotions to ski or not to ski.

I am looking for opionions on risks of skiing at this time.

Thanks for reading the history.  I appreciate any input.







by Julros - 2024-02-10 16:47:45

You are not going to damage your pacemaker. I say go for it.

Start on some bunny runs, and if that's too much, curl up by the fire with some hot cocoa. 

Take care

by piglet22 - 2024-02-11 06:11:51

I've never skied and am not keen on slippery pavements.

But I did cycle, a lot.

Both activities involve speed and not a lot of protection.

I've certainly had my share of spills and never an instance where the pacemaker could have been compromised.

My worry would be the leads.

I had one spill which involved the end of one handlebar going into my chest just below the right armpit.

The bruise was impressive and five years on, I still have a lump under the skin, either a clot or muscle damage.

Had it been the left side, it might have been a different story.

There have been notable accidents skiing with long lasting effects.

You have to be aware of the risks and that things can happen out of the blue.

Probably gentle runs on well maintained slopes would be fine, but I might consider some sort of protection, body armour, over the device and lead area

You can sometimes feel the orientation of the device and where the leads emerge.

There might be a loop in the leads for movement before they enter the vein close to the collar bone.

Once under the ribs, protection is much better.

Several accidents didn't stop me cycling, but I'm a whole lot more careful.


by Tracey_E - 2024-02-12 13:24:49

You aren't going to damage the pacer by skiing. If you want to go, go. It's like riding a bike, it'll come right back. 

I'm a few years younger than you at 57 but have been paced for 29 years now. I was skiing on Saturday. I have always been very active and have never had an issue.

Skiing is one of the safer sports with the pacer because we are well padded. It would be virtually impossible to damage it skiing.  Impact sports are about the only thing we need to beware of.

The pacer enables us to do what we want, it does not hold us back.

Knees, now that's another story lol. Stay off the bump runs. 

Go for it!

by R2D2 - 2024-02-14 13:17:09

I learned to ski when I was 48 years old... it was frightening but worth it! However, as my ejection fraction got worse from heart failure diagnosed 10 years ago, I finally gave up on skiing about 4 years ago and miss it very much. I had a CRT-D put in last July and was hoping my EF would go up in time for ski season, but it hasn't changed at all. So I will wait for another year and hope that titrating my meds up and waiting for my heart to respond favorably to the device will improve my EF to more than 16... 30 would be nice. LOL!

However, skiing doesn't have to be an olympic sport. Go for the easy runs and go slow, take your time, and have FUN. If it doesn't feel right, sit it out. No worries. But you'll never know unless you try. Good luck! 

Thank you little late response.

by Kbob - 2024-02-24 22:41:44

Thanks to all for your responses  It helps alot to get this input and shared experiences. I am getting more excited as the time gets close to see what I can do on those bunny slopes!!!  I am so grateful for this club and the support it provides.  I am never afraid to ask a question of any kind.  Someone always has something beneficial to offer.  Two years ago I was just afraid of every little thing that I was feeling after my pacemaker implant.  This group wa an invaluable support and helped me through those times.  I hope I can do the same for others.  I am grateful.

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