Spirit World

I had a strange experience during what I assume was REM sleep recently and received what I can only describe as a 'visit' from a deceased relative. 

I don't (or didn't) believe in spirits and this is totally new to me.  It wasn't a relative I was super close to either. 

My heart was playing up and missing beats and as I walked up some steps (in a dream) and entered complete darkness, I thought my time was up! Then a luminescent and very real image of a deceased relative appeared - smiling and smooth faced - and quite beautiful. I was so shocked and felt that I shouted out, 'what are you doing here?' and grasped for my husband's hand. The spirit disappeared.  

I've been shaken up since and can't make sense of it.  Anyone had anything similar happen?

It's totally unlike me to even attempt to believe that I could have been visited by a spirit, but I think I was.  Am I going crazy? 



Not crazy at all...

by R2D2 - 2024-02-20 21:32:15

My dreams are often times very surreal and make me think in great detail about them later. I'm a very spiritual person though, raised Christian but have since moved on to my own expression of what works best for me. I've mentioned about my Dad coming to me as eagles which in itself is quite awesome because I whispered that to him about an hour after he passed; that I would like to see eagles and if I do, I will think of him. I have multiple stories that border on me feeling a bit crazy, but at the same time, I know without a doubt that my Dad is watching over me and is 'present' when I call on him. 

I think a lot of us are in touch with a deeper realm because we have been through life altering and even threatening situations. It makes you process things deeper and emotionally go places a lot of people don't go. We all have one thing in common, serious heart conditions. My hubby will get an injury, something I would consider rather serious, and brush it off saying, "It's a long way from my heart." Which makes me always think, "well... my issue IS my heart." 

My advice is to put some thought into the dream, maybe the details like where you were, who was with you, what was said, and go from there. Something in that dream will stand out to you, something you're supposed to know. You'll figure it out. But you're not crazy... If you are, then I am too. LOL!

Figuring it out

by Penguin - 2024-02-21 03:48:47

Yes, R2D2 I remember your image of your father and the eagles from an earlier post.  At the time, I thought that this was probably a coincidence - a nice one - but something that your brain had translated in a comforting way. (As I say, I'm something of a cynic when it comes to spirits).

That's why this has shaken me up. I don't believe in that kind of thing.

I also have a lot of weird dreams, but this didn't seem to be a dream. Dreams can be bizarre - and mine often are - but this felt like a 'visit' at a time when I needed someone on my side. I just can't work out why this particular someone chose to appear as she was never my best ally or supporter in r/life. 

It's really made me question what happened, why and whether I'm wrong about spirits.

Disturbances during sleep

by Gemita - 2024-02-21 06:33:26

Penguin, I am truly sorry to hear about your experience during sleep.  I would listen very carefully to the message it brought, so that you can try to relate it to your life today, any fears you may be getting about your health, your current life?  I hope the experience doesn’t reoccur.

I wonder if you had a long heart pause during the night which triggered worsening rhythm disturbances or something like this, reducing oxygen levels when you had this visitation?  I don’t believe these spiritual happenings occur in isolation.  In my experience they occur when we have real tensions, fears, health problems occurring or something else that is worrying us?

I had nightmares after losing my father at the age of 4.  He had a massive stroke one night.  I used to see him so vividly in my dreams on so many occasions and woke screaming for help.  He was always chasing me with a broom-stick as he did in real life.  I eventually grew out of it, but the whole experience left me traumatised.  His death was so sudden and frightening for all of us (Mum, sister and brother).  He had had health problems prior to his death, having been traumatised during the war serving as a soldier in Cologne, Germany.  As a result we were never able to enjoy being children.  We were restricted, kept quiet by Mum in case we would trigger an uncontrolled response from Dad.  In many ways his death was a relief and we could be children once again, but it didn’t stop us feeling guilty, somehow feeling responsible for his death.

Try to be kind to yourself and not to dwell on your experience, but to explore its meaning whenever you feel strong enough to do so.  I wish you a peaceful night’s sleep always Penguin.

Reason ?

by Penguin - 2024-02-21 07:38:28

I wonder if you had a long heart pause during the night which triggered worsening rhythm disturbances or something like this, reducing oxygen levels when you had this visitation?

I've had this happen a few times. On the first occasion I saw a tunnel and awoke with the most peaceful feeling I've ever had. Then I was told that my pulse was super low and 'barely alive'. 

The other times have been more recent. Never picked up to my knowledge. Nothing I can do about it either. They don't make me panic and they don't feel as I've described above.  So no, not health concerns although it was my initial most logical explanation - like yours. Sometimes  death is no longer frightening.  

The person who appeared shares a deep love for the people who were concerning me that night and who I feel helpless about. I'd lost the strength to fight for them. I think that's the reason. It made me feel so cared about and loved and that's so alien to me right now, that I can't tell you how much it's disturbed me. Weird rationale I know but there you go. 

Edit: I apologise for not adding my thanks to my original message for the personal story you shared Gemita. I'm so sorry you went through that. As a child it must have been very difficult. xxx



by Tracey_E - 2024-02-21 08:49:05

(this is something I do NOT talk about, but here goes) My dad speaks to spirits. He's written a bunch of books, has radio shows and does weekly podcasts. I don't know what I believe and if you'd told me 20 years ago my dad would retire and start talking to spirits, I would have asked what you are smoking. I don't want to believe it, but I've seen too many things to know that at least some of it is true. I believe in heaven and the afterlife and angels, so I guess it's not much of a stretch that spirits of loved ones are around us and sometimes communicate with us. Anyway! Spirits talking to people in their dreams is pretty common. 

Quite the expert then Tracey-E!

by Penguin - 2024-02-21 09:31:59

Hi Tracey, 

I figured there would be a mix of beliefs on a forum like this one. Your father sounds like quite the expert. How did he get into it? 

I googled clairvoyants after my mini visitation and yes, it confirmed that when we sleep visits from spirits are most common. Something to do with a more receptive sleeping state away from conscious thoughts.  It freaked me out to read that the 'luminescent' quality of my visitor was common too - no facial lines, smooth skin, an aura of inner beauty and smiling gently. Can't believe I'm saying this - but yes, I think it was genuine. 

Religion is an interesting one. As a child I used to feel something like a beam of light between me and God and could tap into it for comfort. In adulthood I've never been able to send up that beam / request for help - even at my darkest times. It's disappeared. Maybe I need to explore that side of me. Or perhaps see a clairvoyant.

I hope my visit recurs - although my emotional state was very, very low when it happened and I'm not sure I want to go there too often. All I could say at the time was 'What are you doing here?' I got no reply - she vanished.  I could have asked some really important things, but was so surprised that all I could do was grope for my husband's hand and ask an inane question of her.  

my dad

by Tracey_E - 2024-02-21 09:50:57

He's not a clairvoyant. 

Spirits can come to us when they think we need it. So at a low point would make sense.

He got into it by accident. He bought a 150 year old factory in Gettysburg, which is reputed to have a lot of ghosts. He turned it into an antique gallery and strange things happened from the day it opened (yes, I know this sounds like a bad movie lol). They'd come in in the morning and the lights would be on and music blaring. Things would be in different places. The craziest is the alarm going off in the night during a snowstorm. A door was open. The interior alarm didn't go off, just the door alarm, and there were no prints in the snow. It happened 2 more times that night. They'd lock up, leave, set the alarm, and the alarm would go off and the door would be open. He had the store for 30 years and it was one thing after another and the store got a reputation. Some people came to shop, some came in hopes of seeing spirits. Being curious, he found people who can talk to spirits to find out what was going on. And discovered he has an affinity for it. Retired, sold the store, kept talking to spirits. So yeah. Is he wackadoo or legit? I dunno. 


by Old male - 2024-02-21 17:35:46

Spirits are real. Best not to pursue interaction.  You can't control dreams.  Back in the 80's doctor prescribed my first med for high blood pressure. I had several dreams that I was able to fly.  Fortunately no crash landings.

Ghosts & Clairvoyants

by Penguin - 2024-02-21 18:44:21

Tracey-E - that would freak me out ! Not sure I could work in an environment like that, although the spirits don't sound too scary.  They obviously didn't intimidate your father. I can understand the curiosity.  I don't think he's wackadoo! 

Old Male - Meds are not the cause for me. I'm not taking any.  Stress makes me dream - usually in a way that's disjointed, but I've never had an experience like this before.  I won't pursue interaction. I didn't feel that the visitor wanted to speak or stick around. It felt more like she was saying ' I'm here. I know what you're going through. I care'. 

How do i know that? I don't really, but that's what I took from her kindly and reassuring demeanour and the situation I'm in. Maybe it's best to believe that she's watching and there to take care of me should I feel the same way again. I'd like to see her. 


by piglet22 - 2024-02-22 07:48:46

Not so weird.

When I had my last device replaced it was touch and go if I was going to be externally paced.

They went ahead without.

Covered head to toes with a shroud, it was weird

All I can say is that it was the nearest to a drug induced trip - never done one - that I can imagine it would be like.

All I can describe it as was a light.show.

I wasn't on any sedatives but I do remember someone having a very tight grip on my right wrist presumably checking if I was still with them.

Not looking forward to the next one.


by Penguin - 2024-02-22 11:03:54

Interesting descriptor Piglet. 

I'm not taking anything which produces a hallucinogenic effect, and felt perfectly sane / rational before and afterwards.  Your experiences don't sound like hallucinations either. 

I imagine that people experience all kinds of things when their heart beat slows or stops as yours may have done.  Some of us are fortunate enough to be able to report back.  For me, pre-pacing, it was a feeling of incredible peace afterwards and that tunnel feeling. I've heard it described before, so whether that played into what I experienced I don't know, although I certainly had no idea that I was in danger at the time.

  Whether a pacemaker being present could produce the light show that you experienced I really don't know.  I'll take your word for it and can imagine it happening.  

You were very unlucky not to have been provided with any sedatives AND no external pacing.  


by piglet22 - 2024-02-23 06:04:26

I've never tried any drugs that cause hallucinations like LSD but in university residence I had a neighbour who regularly did and had to listen to all the descriptions of purple walls etc.

The pacing people doing the replacement debated whether or not to externally paced.

As for sedation, I don't think I would really fancy the idea.

From a practical point of view, you have to imagine the sequence of events during replacement.

First, they have to get the old one out with enough leads to allow manipulation.

There must be a certain amount of cleaning up if the old leads stay in place, especially at the connection.

Then comes the time while you are disconnected from the old device and reconnected to the new one.

It should only be a short time, maybe minutes or tens of minutes assuming all goes well.

The other unknown is whether or not the new device is pre-programmed or has to be set up in situ.

Whatever way, you will be off-line for a while and with CHB you are going to have a very unstable heart rate.

If a low rate can put you on the floor, I can imagine that even a few minutes could have you feeling unwell.

Recovery was swift and I went home on the bus.

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You run like the bionic woman.

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