I went on a birding trip to Thailand Jan 5th this year. During the third week of our trip I had trouble walking up hills, steps, giddiness and breathlessness. Then on one particular day I couldn't even walk up 4 steps. Our friends, who were Thai, took us to a hospital where I was diagnosed with Bradycardia, pneumonia and a stomach infection. My heart rate was under 38 and down to 20 at one stage. BP extremely low and also dropped lower at one stage. I was fitted with a temporary PM until the pneumonia and stomach infection had cleared. On the 5th day of my hospital stay I was fitted with a permenant PM. All very scary in a foreign country. Very lucky to be with Thai friends as the insurance company dragged their heels with regards to giving us any support until the 5th day. Good job my insurance was in order.
The reason I am writing this is because I am so grateful to the Thai doctors and nurses that took care of me and saved my life. I am very lucky. I hope this re-assures anybody that is waiting to have this proceedure. I wrote a question on this site and was really grateful for the advise and help I recieved. Thanks to all.
The PM is working very well and I have to say that I have had no trouble whatsoever with any issues concerning it. My own GP in this country has also been very supportive too. Just waiting for an appoinment with the PM clinic for a check-up now.
I would be very appreciative of any do's and dont's and advice that anybody can give me. I have had only one pamphlet from the Thai hospital about it. 

Many thanks



Good story!

by Lavender - 2024-02-25 20:40:36

How nice that you had such good care and such supportive friends!  It is a traumatic enough experience without also being in an unfamiliar country. It's wonderful that pacemaker insertion is common enough that you can get one almost everywhere!

You have had your device almost two months so should be back to normal and doing what you did before getting it, within reason. 

Glad all is well!🌺🌸

1st Appointment

by Penguin - 2024-02-26 04:33:18

Hi and welcome! 

I’m pleased to hear that you’re surrounded by supportive help and feeling so well. Do’s and don’ts?  

Do - read through the FAQ section in the Learn tab above.  It’s a very worthwhile read and may well answer a lot of the questions that you have as a first time pacemaker recipient.

Don’t - worry about the appointment. It’s organised to check that the preliminary settings are suiting you; to check your wound is healing well and to answer any questions you may have. 

Do - ask questions and show an interest in your device. 

If you don’t feel confident asking questions or there is insufficient time, you can ask for a copy of your interrogation results (the pacemaker produces a report each time that it is interrogated). Most clinics will provide their phone number so that you can ring if you have any concerns - ask for this. Ask your clinic (or us) if you’d like to know more about the meaning of the settings that you have in place.


by jsb - 2024-02-26 12:37:37

Thank you very much for your comments. Much appreciated!


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

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