Swelling over site

I got my pacemaker in June 2022 at 16, and ever since I have swelling over the pacemaker site at the end of most days that leads to slight numbness in my arm and discomfort. Does anyone else have a common experience and is this normal? I'm studying as a chef and I'm worried it's going to influence my work in the future. Any help is appreciated! 


Thank you

by Leandri - 2024-02-28 23:34:14

Thank you so so much this helps me much! I don't have any fluid retention/ discoloration anywhere and have a full range of motion . I have not yet discussed this with my EP, but he said I'm perfectly fine to work as a chef but I'll talk to him if I see it's becoming a problem. I'll definitely try the ice I've never thought about that!

Yet again thank you so much for all your help, I really appreciate it! 

arm discomfort

by Tracey_E - 2024-02-29 11:13:00

Has anyone ever evaluated to make sure your circulation is still good in the arm, make sure nerves and blood flow are ok?

I also have swelling in my arm but no discomfort, and we know what's causing it - 30 years of leads in the vein. We are going to consult with a vascular surgeon about fixing it when I have my next replacement. 

No not yet

by Leandri - 2024-02-29 12:35:52

I have not done any tests like that yet because it wasn't a big problem when I was in high school, but now that I'm studying and have long/ physical practicals it is starting to become a problem especially when I start working. Thank you for your insight, I will definitely look into doing something like that soon. I appreciate your help! 

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