Recycling pacemakers

I had made an appointment with the funeral home to prepay my own funeral. Mom had done so decades ago, and it really made it nice on us kids to have it already lined up how she wanted. 

Today I went and settled my funeral arrangements. I'm so glad that it's done. I even wrote and turned in my own obituary for future use. 

I asked about my pacemaker. The funeral director said they remove the pacemakers and donate them to a company who picks them up and sends them overseas for use by others. (It's not legal in the USA, but some third world countries can use them in patients. ) I was glad to hear they do this service. 

(In the past month, I had two people email me asking me to put in my will that I am donating my pacemaker to a veterinarian upon my death.) I am not planning on dying any time soon, so it was a bit odd getting these texts with suggestions.🤪



recycling pacemakers

by new to pace.... - 2024-04-15 19:26:46

I understand that is what the company(For hearts worldwide), who purchased this site does.

Who know maybe that is why they thought purchasing this  site with all the pacemaker users site would do for them. .

new to pace

You have been busy

by Gemita - 2024-04-15 22:38:29

Dear Lavender, you have certainly had to face some sadness recently and there has been a lot of other stress going on too. I hope you are not worrying about your own survival with that lead of yours, but I know how important it is to put our house in order and you sound as though you are doing just that. 

I am in the process of doing exactly the same but it is a massive task and not one that anyone can easily tackle.  I can understand why so many of us put it off for so long.  I can see the sign being placed outside of your residence:  “Lavender’s Care Home - Welcome”.   I think we would both be very happy to stay there.

Lavender have a look at the attached link, especially member Selwyn’s comments on Recycling your pacemaker, insist on this is an excellent organisation, as is our own ForHearts.  We can really get involved in recycling our pacemakers or supporting these organisations in other ways too, to make sure that those less fortunate have the opportunity of receiving a pacemaker both new and used.

In 2011, we both asked our London Anatomy Office for a donation form to donate our bodies to Kings College London medical school to give back something when we leave this world.  Our bodies may not be accepted however, since there are medical criteria to be met, but we are on their register just in case.  Anatomical examination is the study of the structure and function of the human body. The study of anatomy is one of the most fundamental subjects studied by medical students. Ultimately, the skills and knowledge gained from the use of donated bodies benefit future patients.  

Thank you for raising such an important issue as pacemaker recycling Lavender


by Lavender - 2024-04-16 09:04:36


I don't have time to worry about my lead lol. I actually set up the funeral prepay appointment for myself (and my guy) when mom died. It was so nice for us to go to the funeral home and see that mom had prepaid, chose her casket, what she would wear, etc all decades ago. There were even post it notes mom made on the paperwork which said, " no substitutions!!"  

I wanted to do the same for my kids so when the time comes, they have one less concern, although mine is more simple with cremation. 

The link you provided is very informative, especially Selwyn's comments!

new to pace

by Tracey_E - 2024-04-16 10:09:34

As far as I know, For Hearts only implants new devices. They are donated by manufacturers, usually ones that are past the FDA expiration date so no longer able to be used in the US, but still with a lot of life. I could be wrong, but I've only heard of used ones being recycled for veterinary purposes. 

The link info

by Lavender - 2024-04-16 10:18:37


This info was in the link that Gemita provided:

by Selwyn - 2021-09-20 16:18:05

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology shows that reusing pacemakers is  safe and effective. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston sterilized 121 permanent pacemakers (PPMs) and sent them to a charity hospital in Mumbai, India. Of these, 11 single-chamber PPMs and 42 dual-chamber PPMs were acceptable.

Recycled pacemakers can improve or even save millions of lives each year, especially in impoverished nations. With proper sterilization and improved battery life, physicians should no longer consider pacemakers as single-use devices but rather as a reusable resource to improve humanity at its heart.


From that link:

If you are interested in being a part of this program, please visit the Donate a Pacemaker page for more information. 

This program has been approved by the Michigan Funeral Directors Association (Michigan Funeral Directors). We work with the funeral and crematory industry as well as individuals who wish to donate their devices.

A Lot!

by SeenBetterDays - 2024-04-17 08:26:17

Hi Lavender

Wow, you have had a tough year.  I'm so sorry you're having to deal with so many difficult things in such a short period of time.  It seems as though you are not getting any respite doesn't it? You are such a caring and kind person taking care of everyone and, at the same time, having to deal with your own worries about your pacemaker lead.  A heavy load and you are very strong to keep going through all that adversity.  I am sending you hugs and hoping that you are managing to look after yourself as well as everyone else in the care home!

I would love to donate my pacemaker so will need to look into how I go about that.  I am not as organised as you so really should think about wills and funeral arrangements.  As you said, it is so much easier for family if it is all pre sorted.  It just takes an extra level of stress away from them.

I hope the sun starts to shine on you soon Lavender and you have some good news for a change.  Sending you lots of love from rainy Wales x


by Lavender - 2024-04-17 22:52:15

Thank you for your sweet words and greeting all the way from Wales! It's been torrential rain here for most of the month. I don't mind it somehow. The grass is so green and the leaves will soon be out on the trees. 


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