Burning and stinging in the area of the pacemaker

I had my medtronic pacemaker put in in 2017. About a month after it was put in it was turned off. I was actually feeling much worse after it was put in than before I had it. Went to two other cardiologists and did several tests after installation by the first cardiologist and was told I was miss diagnosed and didn't need a pacemaker so it was turned off. It's still there because removing it is called elective surgery by the insurance and company which means I would have to pay 45K. That's the history, now the question. In the past few weeks I have had sometimes very severe burning and stinging sensations around the pacemaker area that sometimes gravitates down my left arm. Last night it was so severe I feared I was having a heart attack. Too complicate matters, in January I had Covid. They cleared it quickly but the after effects are still with me. For a week I couldn't walk, then arthritis in all the joints, then shortness of breathe, weekness, foggy thinking etc. Most of this has passed and now this burning sensation. Has anyone had anything similar and what did you do about it?


Jerry Raiber


I would seek help

by Gemita - 2024-05-18 12:55:20

Jerry, do you think you could manage a trip to ER?   Your comment, “In the past few weeks I have had sometimes very severe burning and stinging sensations around the pacemaker area that sometimes gravitates down my left arm. Last night it was so severe I feared I was having a heart attack”, sounds to me as though you should be speaking to a doctor.

I am thinking/questioning an allergic reaction, or something like Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.  Whatever is causing this you need an urgent opinion in my view, particularly since you have experienced so many difficulties following a Covid episode.

Your body is clearly fighting something and you need a diagnosis.  Please take care

Pacemaker infection

by Dennis.Holmes - 2024-05-20 17:37:04

I was having those same sensations. I had my pacemaker replaced 14 mos earlier and it never felt right. Eventually it popped through the skin of my chest. It was caused by infection that was probably introduced at the time of the replacement. At that point they had to replace the pacemaker and leads going to my heart. The pacemaker was put on the other side of my chest. Thankfully the infection did not get into my heart. I would pursue finding out what is going on. 

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The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.