Pre- ICD Any Advice?

Hello All,

I am new to this site, but have a feeling that we will be here quite a bit. My husband will be receiving his ICD on August 14th. i am doing last minute panic research online. Any advice, do's don'ts. Things we should ask, things we should know? Just know that it will be a Medtronic, that is it.

Taking baby steps, terrified the whole way.

any info, tips, advice, things to be concerned with would be greatly appreciated.
the wife.



by kyle0816 - 2007-08-10 01:08:15

I am 33 and had an ICD implanted back in April, feel free to email me with any questions. One of the main things I always like to tell people getting them is that they CAN be implanted under the muscle. I got mine under the muscle and it is far less noticeable (no one can see it even when I wear a very tight shirt) than if you get it implanted under the skin only as is the normal procedure. I don't know if your husband really cares about the aesthetic part of it but I know every time I see it I'm glad the lump is a lot smaller than it could have been.
Another concern I had was lifting weights, my Dr. routed the leads in such a way where it would not be crushed by my collar bone when I lifted, you might want to ask the Dr. about this also.
He will have shoulder pain for quite a while after the implant, that's normal, I still have some pain and it's been 4 months since my implant. He probably won't be able to sleep on the side of the implant for a while.
Anyway if you have any questions feel free to send me an email on here. Good luck!

Thank you!

by MWyattWY - 2007-08-12 06:08:41

Cathryn, Kyle and Sharon,

Thank you all so much for your wonderful advice.
you brought forward things that i haven't thought of yet, but would have wished that I had.

Amazing support!

I will check back often to follow up.
in the meantime, I welcome you to visit our story on
The carepage name is : ThemWyatts

Thank you again.
with sincere regards.
the wife,


by FredL - 2007-08-12 08:08:22

I've now had my ICD for exactly 2 years. My need for this device was a little challenging seeing as how my occupation is in the outdoor power equipment business. I have had no problem with continuing to work. The doctor suggested that I work 'smarter' rather than 'harder'. I experienced a short period of time of recovery but really had no problem. Restricting my arm movement was difficult. After recovery, I have not experienced any activity from my ICD. I recognize the possibility of experiencing a shock when necessary. I've learned to 'live-with' my ICD and am extremely thankful that I have it. By the way, my wife was also terrified as we faced this 'opportunity' but she made it fine just as I did. Good luck!

A tip or 2.......

by auntiesamm - 2007-08-12 12:08:29

Hello and Welcome,

I don't have an ICD but a PM which was implanted in May 2006. It all went very smoothly and in 2 days I was up and at it, even driving myself.

Biggest problem: remembering not to reach above shoulder level on the left side. This was extremely difficult for me as it is something that I do many, many times a day. My husband was good at catching me when it looked like I was reaching but wasn't around all the time.

Finally, I put yellow post-its on every door, cabinet, drawer, shelf, clothes rod that was higher than shoulder level. They served as a constant reminder for me. The important thing is to use the left arm enough so as not to get a frozen shoulder. Simple arm movements, shoulder shrugs, anything that is motion would be enough. There have been a few folks on here who have had serious shoulder problems from immobility.

Hope this helps a little as your husband prepares for his device this coming week. Let us know how he does & let him know I am praying for him to have an easy placement and quick recovery! God bless you both.


i have VT

by Eileen - 2007-08-13 12:08:31

I have VT too and have a icd.

ICD Implant

by cmgdavid - 2007-08-17 11:08:01

Be very careful about getting the ICD under muscle. The last time I was in to have a lead replaced the patient next to me had their Pacemake replaced. I t was under the muscle and shere was in terrible pain after the procedure I am assuming because they have to "dig" the device out.

Life is Good...

by turnpikejohn - 2007-08-24 09:08:46

I'm a 47 year old male; my ICD was implanted under the skin in June of 2006. I continue to run a minimum of 10 miles a week and exercise daily. I weight 147 lbs and the device really shows – quite the bump! People that know I have it can notice it under my shirt. I get the most questions from kids at the pool or beach. I answer them honestly and they accept it with no problem. It doesn't bother me that it's so prevalent. Beats the alternative. I did receive an unnecessary shock once so far. It didn’t hurt, but was more like a sucker punch – I didn’t know what hit me right away. I was out running when that happened. Anyways now it’s no big deal.

You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.