Who has had an MRI since pacemaker implantation and what was your experience ? I understand that a technician adjusts the pacemaker before going into the MRI and then adjusts it back to original settings afterwards.


Had mri

by godrew - 2024-06-24 12:46:42

Yes, I have had one MRI since implant.  Honestly it was no stress. Yes, there was a extra tech there that just focused on the PM.  It was shut off during the mri and immediately turned on after the mri.  The bigger issue was a few extra steps with insurance.  Good luck.


by Julros - 2024-06-24 19:25:34

My situation was similiar to godrew, except the delay was between the hospital and the cardiology office. Hospital faxed a form  to cardiology, they needed completed, it never came back. I called cardiology office, they never got it. They gave me a number to fax a new one too. Hospital adamantly refuses to use new fax number, and won't call cardiology to verify. Cardiology agreed to call hospital to update fax number. This took about a month, while I was suffering with sciatica.

Turns out, I didn't have a disc pushing on spinal cord; pain was from poorly fitted bike, torquing on my SI joint. 10 weeks of physical therapy, 4 weeks to wait for MRI, 2 weeks for neuro consult. And then I had to figure it out on my own. 

two Mri

by Capt Odyssea - 2024-06-26 18:36:26

I've had one ea with pacer #1 and ICD #3, second ICD did leave leads behind but those were removed on the installation of #3. There was a delay for the second MRI as records were not updated between removal Dr and primary Electro phys. This unit # error had also popped up when they were trying to get a report from #2 (out and gone)

Safe mode for me (I gathered) consisted of turning off/grounding the leads from RFI and setting a steady pace rate of 82 vs. nominal 65. Ramps you up a bit but no issues, a mild fight or flight feeling up the neck. I ased if that was sport mode. restored after, all is fine.


by sam j. - 2024-07-04 17:29:13

I had my MRI this past week and it went ok, except the tech raised my BPM to 90 and I felt my heart pounding during the 40 some minutes of the scan. The BPM was advised by cardiologist for my pacemaker. I was monitored during the entire scan and afterward I was returned to my previous settings before the scan. 

PMT ( pacemaker mediated tachycardie ) na MRI

by Elly - 2024-08-02 05:28:23

Ik kreeg enkele dagen na de MRI atriale tachycardie en kort daarna een syncope. Ik was onderweg met de auto en kreeg een ongeval waar gelukkig ik alleen mee betrokken was. De auto is total loss. Dokters zien geen verband met MRI. Ik kreeg mijn pacemaker voor bradycardie en had nog nooit eerder tachycardie gehad.

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