Progress post implant crt-d
- by allen
- 2024-07-27 01:25:05
- Surgery & Recovery
I got a crt-d implant 3 1/2 months ago and want to see how I am doing relative to others.
Prior Implant: LBBB, QRS=150ms, EF 20%
Post implant:
On table after implant, QRS=110ms
2 weeks later follow up, QRS=80
3 1/2 month cardiogram EF 35-40%
BP in normal range but varies like Texas Weather, wait 5 minutes. Ranges 110-140 but mostly 120/75 with pulse in 70's.
Manufacturer Abbott Gallant HF, CDHA500Q with multi point lead in coranary vein.
I have no comorbidities at all. Strongly suspect heart LBBB due to covid vaccine/booster or covid.
Using topical ivermectin and seems to help a lot, hair turning back black like it was prior to vaccine. Vision has improved, but that happens with ivermectin. Used ivermectin to keep SpO2 at 97%.
Is this a normal recovery?
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This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.
You are having a good recovery Allen
by Gemita - 2024-07-27 05:46:41
Is this normal recovery? Allen, rule number 1 for me is never to compare myself to others. We all have our own unique reasons for our pacemakers, ICDs or other implants. You are doing well from those improved numbers, but how do you “feel”. That is what is really important. I hope you are feeling so much better now?
I see giving Ivermectin appears to be associated with faster and greater increase in oxygen saturation, paralleling faster viral clearance in Covid 19 patients. Hope everything continues to improve for you in this area. How long is the course of Ivermectin "topical"?
A Normal interval of the QRS complex is between 80-100 milliseconds, so you are normal again at 80 ms. Your ejection fraction is still a bit low at 35-40% but has made an excellent recovery in 3+ months, so I would be happy with that too and would expect those numbers to continue to improve. It can take up to a year with CRT before you see "complete" improvements. Sometimes CRT unfortunately doesn't help which is clearly not the case with you. Your ejection fraction has recovered quickly. It is certainly not at a worrying level like 20% any more.
So to answer your question, this is better than a normal recovery. For me this is a good to excellent recovery and I hope it continues.