Battery Replacement

I went for my 6 month checkup today and was told that any day now, my pacemaker should alert me that my battery needs to be replaced. She said it will either be an alarm that sounds like an ambulance or a vibration but she isn't sure which one. My question is, if it's the vibration, how noticeable is it? I'm afraid I won't realize it. And if it's the alarm, is it very loud? I have anxiety with the unknown so I'm trying to prepare myself. Also, does it go into battery saving mode? If so, how did that make you feel? Did you notice a difference? I have a St Jude's pacemaker. It was implanted in June 2014. 

Thanks in advance for any answers! 



by piglet22 - 2024-08-01 05:19:12


Surprising that the clinician doesn't know what happens at the different stages as the battery reaches replacement time.

I'm sure you're aware that it's the generator that's replaced as a whole.

It's not a bad idea to have a look at the manual for your device to get chapter and verse.

The manuals are pretty daunting, but you might just find the information you need.

Saying that, I'm not sure what mine does as I'm heading towards replacement.

All I've read so far is that that Elective Replacement Time and End of Service life are determined by three consecutive daily readings of battery voltage below 2.83 volts.

The last one replaced went well below the EOS voltage probably because three consecutive measurements weren't taken.

It reminded me by changing mode and pulsing my chest and arm.

Your 10 year lifetime is about right.

It's quite an event. It might be useful to know what your dependency (pacing) is, as that can determine what happens.

Good luck.

Hi fellow worrier!

by Lavender - 2024-08-01 19:50:21

I'm so impressed that you are done with ten years of pacing! Gosh it's nice it lasted so long! I'm also surprised that no one can tell you if your device will vibrate or make an alarm sound. I would call the manufacturer of your device. It's got to feel weird waiting for the unknown!



by Nikki-porter - 2024-08-02 15:07:34

Thanks for the comments! I took the advice of Lavender and called the manufacturer today. I was worrying myself sick over the unknown. They informed me that I don't have either feature built into my pacemaker. It won't alert me. But, I have a Merlin at home transmitter and it will alert my drs office. Then, they will call me to schedule my surgery. I don't know if that makes me more or less nervous. I guess I'm just anxious because this is my first replacement. 

Good job checking it out!

by Lavender - 2024-08-03 16:21:45

I was told that my Boston Sci device has no vibration or alarm set up. I sleep next to my monitor. I figure that if it discovers anything amiss, I will get a call from my doctor.

You've done remarkably well all this while! I'm sure you will continue to do so when you get your spanking new device! Many here have gone through multiple changes and are still here pluggin on!🌼


by MREAD - 2024-09-06 16:15:39

Just going thru the same thing. Then on the day of my last remote check, before they even finalized the results, my devise started beeping. It beats around 10 seconds like an ambulance  sound at 7:40 am every morning. The EP office called me around 8am and told me someone would call later to set up my appointment with the EP for replacement. They also told me that at that time I could make an appointment to come in to have the beeping turned off. When they called back to set up the appointments, I asked if it would affect the battery charge if I kept the beep on. I was told that it would not affect anything. I had been so worried for the past 6 months about not knowing  what was going to happen, I told them I wanted to keep the beeping. At least now I know my battery is still working. I go next week to have it changed out. 

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