Life is terminal..... So Live it

Life is Terminal so enjoy it.

To all of the PM Club members. I would like to share what being 2 years new is like.

Just two years ago a little after I turned 50. I had, 3 pretty bad heart attacks; fortunately all in the hospital.

I was afraid of not what had happened to me but what would happen to me, my life and the lives of my kids.
Am I afraid now; -NO-.

I have developed a very special view on life and everything that happens to us and all of those around us.

I am not about to sit and wait and worry and wine over such things as, Why me, What Cant I do, What will I do,
When will it happen? Of course these things pass though our minds and tear away a large part of who and what we are. However what I have found is that you have options. There are always, always choices to be made.

You can either sit at home and be afraid and miserable and make your loved ones feel as bad or if not worse than you or grab what there is of your life and the extra time you have been given and enjoy every…single…
Breath, that both science and God have given to you. You need to learn to enjoy the good, the bad, the ugly and
The beautiful.

I choose the later. Since I received my ICDPM two years ago I have traveled extensively, like way too much.
To many countries in Europe and China. So much to China in fact that the counter folks at United know me by sight and the HLSTSA folks know me and say hi even before I get to the check points. Now that’s traveling way too much. I have met and made new friends all around the world, eaten foods I probably should not have. But you just never know unless you try, right? After 52 years and a long stint back in the U.S. Navy I had never gotten any tattoos. Now I have two. My hair started to thin so now I keep my head shaved. I have learned how to scuba dive and have returned to sailing.

Of course my Cardiologist and regular Docs say I should “Retire and Rest”. But why? I like working and fortunately my employer likes what I do well enough to keep me around. Besides with the economy in the toilet and young children at home I will make what ever sacrifice I need to for them.

I tell my kids and my wife that I love them and miss them everyday when I travel and make sure to say a prayer giving thanks for what we do have. And mostly for the time that I have been given.

I have fought the despair and depression of getting this tinker toy dropped into me and while feeling that somehow having cheated death I only know that it is still there. Just on hold. I have lost dear friends and parents since this thing got stuffed into me. And I have made it through. Not by shear will alone, but by the love, (sometimes tuff love), and kindness of all of the new friends I have made and those that I have lost.

It took me 50+ years to learn how to live, to drop petty emotions such as jealousy, bitterness, selfishness and
wanting. I have learned to appreciate and hold close the things that I and my family need, not want. To appreciate and cherish what is different in people from all over the world. To let my children fail at something
And help them learn from the failure and help them to feel good about what has happened. And to really enjoy their successes. I have learned that even the slightest kindness to some stranger every day can make no matter how crappy your day is a little better. I have learned not to say I can’t, but rather “Sure I’ll give it a shot”.

So what have I learned with my extra time and now being 2 years new?



Love life

by GCWebb - 2009-06-08 04:06:33


And what a great outlook on life.

I second all the above!!!

by harley63 - 2009-06-08 09:06:07

Great write up!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!

Zoom on...

At Risk

by ElectricFrank - 2009-06-09 01:06:22

Recently while trying to convince me to take statins my doc was quoting how much I was increasing my risk of dying. I ask him how anything could raise my risk of dying. After all I have had a 100% risk of dying since birth.

I've never seen him speechless before.

I like part of the song "The Rose" that says:
The Soul afraid of dying can never learn to live



by uvagershwin - 2009-06-09 12:06:52

Nice! That was great... Keep up the "livin' on the edge" attitude and get down w/ your bad self!!!


Bad Self?

by ElectricFrank - 2009-06-11 12:06:03

How could I have a bad self? As soon as I get bad it seems normal.


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

I have a well tuned pacer. I hardly know I have it. I am 76 year old, hike and camp alone in the desert. I have more energy than I have had in a long time. The only problem is my wife wants to have a knob installed so she can turn the pacer down.