Possible Infection After Heart Surgery

Hey guys, 

I had my pacemaker leads and old pacemaker removed this past Monday, and a new lead less pacemaker implanted. I started having bleeding at my groin site yesterday, 5 days post op. My entire groin area is still really swollen and bruised. Is this normal after? I've been sleeping close to 18- 20 hours a day. Which is not my norm. I'm a pretty boring 8 hours a night girl. Started running a low grade fever last night. Should I be worried or reach back out to Duke? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Abelle


Yes do seek advice and quickly

by Gemita - 2024-09-29 09:53:40

Abelle, I am so sorry.  It sounds as though you may have had a traumatic "access site" entry procedure and have developed a haematoma or severe bruising where they enter your ?femoral artery to gain access to your heart when they placed your leadless pacemaker.

In your shoes I would seek help quickly.  It may be normal because severe bruising can look awful, but you may need treatment to help with the swelling and it should be looked at anyway.  The low grade fever is more concerning and needs to be investigated as soon as possible.

I am a little concerned that this has suddenly occurred five days after the procedure.  Did they place a plug into the artery or something like this to help close the access point?  They placed an angioseal vascular closure device when I had my procedure (Angiogram).   Even so, I had severe bruising/bleeding and stayed in hospital for several days while it was draining.  I had to come off anticoagulation to aid healing.

Take good care and I hope all is well?


by Lavender - 2024-09-29 10:32:58

So sorry to read what you're going through. Please do seek help asap. Could you have developed covid or something else? Good to check it out. 

Not surprised

by piglet22 - 2024-09-29 21:13:22

Sounds like you've been through the mill.

I wouldn't be surprised if it takes some time to recover, but any suspicion of infection over swelling and natural reaction needs looking at.

I had a pelvic injury, fracture, and apart from the 12 week healing, a bruise appeared and took months to disappear as it worked it's way down my leg.

Good luck with your healing and you are entitled to rest as much as you like.

How are you?

by Lavender - 2024-09-30 18:13:05

Peeking in here to check on you. Hugs. 

Doing MUCH better

by ABelle - 2024-10-07 15:53:26

Well you guys were right. I ended up in the ER and there was some blood pooling behind the incision sites on both sides on my groin causing and lot of pain and swelling. According to my cardiologist it can also cause a fever. It's been a week and I'm on the mend. Unfortunately I'm having another heart procedure on the 17th. So mentally I'm just getting myself ready for that now. Thank you for all the love and responses you guys! I greatly appreciate it! 

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Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.