need some words of encouragement

Hi Dear Friends

I am in a really bad slump righ now and I need some words of encourgement. First I want to say thank you to the friends that I have made through this club. I email several of you and you always make my day!

I'm having my pacemaker replaced between Christmas and New Years. This will be my third but it has been 13 years since my last replacement. I really am facing some difficult times in the next week or two...the death of a dear family member that will be in several days...the writing and delivering of her get the picture.

My pacemaker replacement is consuming my thoughts. I usually am a very strong person. I know that the pacemaker replacement is necessary. But the fear of the hospital, operation, and the unknown are always on my mind. I keep telling myself to put my big girl panties on and deal. However, with everything going on I seem to view this surgery as a dark cloud looming ahead. I really need to get myself in a better frame of mind.

Does anyone have any suggestions that they used before surgery to remain positive? I need to get rid of this fear.

Thank you so much,
Searching Woman


Books, work, and creative projects

by marisab - 2007-12-13 06:12:14

I love to read, which is strange to say because teens usually dont like to read now adays. But find a good, long book, and consume your thoughts with it. Its hard to have to have another surgery, especially during X-Mas time, that happened to me when i was 9. Luckily i was able to get out on X-Mas, because i had surgery the wek before. My Dad was also over seas so my mom could barely visit me because she had to watch my brother, and the hospital was an hour away.
But i find that when you read, or listen to music really loudly (cheerful) you get happy. Or throw yourself into a Christmas-To-Do-List, engulfing and distracting yourself completly. At the end of the day, you will have to face the fact, your having surgery, but also think about the goodness of your life. You will still be afraid but its natural, my last surgery, October 2006, was my 8th, but I was still completly freaked.
The way I dealt was VERY peculiar, I thought nothing else but school work and reading. But i was also very chatty and opened myself up more so people could talk to me for a distraction. The unknown is very scary, but life is unknown. Think of things you plan to do after surgery/recovery. I hope this helps!

searching woman

by jessie - 2007-12-13 06:12:31

hi i have not had a replacement yet. i have had mine only 15 months. i have tho lost a close family member a person i was close too. she died of cancer last summer. she was my age. i know it made me very aware of my own mortality as this procedure also did at the time it was placed in my right side. so what i am pointing out is that her or his death may be making you face your own mortality. just an opinion. it is a lot of stress to lose a close one. more than i could imagine tho i had lost a brother in 1970 he was 30 and i was 26. i was devestated at the time. he died of cancer also. so donna you can do this. it is just a lot at one time. your feeling of being very overwhelmed is understandable. can someone you trust go with you to the hospital?take care jessie

A better frame of mind

by pacergirl - 2007-12-13 06:12:40

Dear Donna,
I don't know how to tell someone how to change their state of mind. I do know that you are a survivor already. You already have what you need deep down inside you. You have depended on that inner strength before. That is partly why you are still here today,
Now here it is.......... What I already know about you...

You are a strong woman.
You are courageous beyond belief
You are a survivor
You are beautiful
You are very loving and a giver

Donna, these are the things I have learned about you by reading you post. I know this is just a hint of the who you are. I look forward to learning more about you.... Searching Woman... Search no more you are going to be just fine... I am sending all my good vibes your way...

p.s. I'll keep the flu bug here though hee hee ;-)

The Good Word

by ela-girl - 2007-12-13 06:12:46


You say "I am afraid" but God says that "I have not given you a spirit of fear. (II Timothy 1:7)" So cast your cares upon Him because He is already in tomorrow and is the Author of your story! When you are weak, He is strong! Let His power pull you through!

I will pray that you have peace through all you are dealing with.

Pace in Grace!

Dearest Searching

by Carol - 2007-12-13 08:12:41

Hi there. I don't know you as it seems some of the others on this site do, but I believe you are a very courageous individual just by the mere fact that you are willing to ask for help in this very difficult time. I am certainly not the best one to give advice because "worry" is my middle name and one of the biggest obstacles God has given me to overcome in this life. But, I keep trying, and at least wish to offer you my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery, and I am so very sorry for your loss. As for your upcoming replacement, perhaps it will help to remember that your physician has skilled hands and you already have an idea about what to expect, you've done well in the past there is no reason why you should not this time also. Please be well, and maybe think of this quote "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow;it empties Today of it's strength". Sincerely, Carol

carol said it best

by pat - 2007-12-13 09:12:34


there is so much that i could try to say to you but words would fail me. i know how much support you gave me the night we chatted. and i know what a wonderful caring person you are. carol did say it best. i have never heard that saying before but i will keep it close to my heart. cause like carol (and maybe you) we are worriers. hang in there dear and keep your head up and your heart open to God.

your friend in pacing,


We are here

by pacergirl - 2007-12-13 10:12:00

Dear Donna,

We are all here for you. That is one thing you can count on. I feel that I speak for many of us..... no need to thank us.

Your Pacer friends.

Ditto to what Ela said

by faithman007 - 2007-12-13 10:12:01

I would have to agree with Ela, I am not sure what your beliefs are but for Ela and I, we trust in the Lord. Let me just say I pray that everything will be ok, that God will give you strength to make it through this rough time. I myself have been going through a rough time, but with God's love and peace I am making it. I will be here for you as a friend, feel free to contact me anytime.

thank you

by searchingwoman - 2007-12-13 10:12:57

To all my dear friends,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I do have a very strong faith. That belief has helped me so much in my life. I lost my father, mother and only sibling. I have a wonderful husband and daughter. However, many times I feel the deep loss of my "orginal family". God has given me a brand new family in you pacer family.
You will be hearing from me a lot in the next few weeks.
Thanks to all of you,

Been there and done that.

by motorhome - 2007-12-14 01:12:20

You have been down this road before. This is usually a out patient process. Like putting a battery in a car. Trust your Doctor and above all trust in our GOD. Sounds easy for me to say but I am on my 2nd PM. I am older then you so I guess I have been trusting in the LORD longer. I am 68. I will pray for you.


by auntiesamm - 2007-12-14 12:12:25

Hi Donna,

I cannot add one thing to what the others have said except that I will be lifting you up in prayer, asking the Lord to give you comfort and peace as you prepare for your replacement. He is so good to us and will hold you close in the palm of His hand. I will ask for His hand to be on the surgeon doing your replacement & those providing your care. You have come to the right place; this truly is a family of survivors - kind, loving people - and I love them all! God bless you and your family. Have a joyful celebration of Jesus' birthday!

PM: May 16, 2006


by GCWebb - 2007-12-20 05:12:18


Try not to think about the dark cloud but about the silver lining, You are a teacher...think about the lives you have touched and about how many more you will influence.

God has promised not to give us more than we can bear .

See the glass as half full not half empty.

You will be in my prayers this Holiday season,wishing you the best.


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