My problem or theirs?

So i'm 14 and i love to swim, i can stay in the pool for hours and hours until i get super burned and my mom makes me get out. But i'm wondering, is it right for people to think I'm stupid for wearing a 2 piece with my scars and i'm just being stupid putting myself out there like that? Or is others being superficial and stuck up? Any one else have this problem? I'm not saying they cant be like i hope your not self consious, but when they stare and other kids whisper about me, i think its just wrong. They probably say its disguting and sgouldnt make people look at me like that but for real, is it me being confident and not caring and them kust being stuck up or what?


Who cares what they think!

by ela-girl - 2007-10-08 09:10:24

Hi, marisab!

First of all, I think it's great that you have the confidence to wear a two piece and that it's really only your business (and your parents since you are under 18)! Don't even give those other kids or people a second thought. If you're being stared at and it (your scar) comes up, I would just inform them. If you can't seem to overlook what you think is them talking about you, maybe you aren't feeling as confident but a little insecure. Totally understandable at any age. My only worry is you getting sunburned! Your skin will pay for it down the road. Wear sunblock please! You don't want any skin cancer or lesions. It is also advised by pacer companies that pacers keep their scars out of direct sunlight. I'm not sure why this is exactly? Perhaps just because the scar will darken. I'm not sure if there is anything medical to it as far as the pm is concerned.

Happy swimming!

It's their problem! Trust me on that!!

by pacergirl - 2007-10-08 10:10:55

Hi! With your parents permission, wear your 2 piece proudly! You are young and I am certain you are beautiful. Smile, hold your head proudly and remember these words.... it's not everyone who can say they are wearing latest in computer programing! You are amazing, you are brave and you are beautiful just as you are! Swim on!!!!!!!

My best friend and I have a saying we like when other women are ugly to us... we say it to each other very quietly..... here it is..... "Don't hate us because we are beautiful" he he he eh, we laugh a lot.
Your pacer friend, Pacergirl

Whose Problem?

by janetinak - 2007-10-09 02:10:40

It's theirs. We are survivors!!!


by tcrabtree85 - 2007-10-09 06:10:31

I think you have gotten the best advice every be proud of those scars. I know I sent that in my private message to you. Don't let what others say get to you and if they wanna talk smack let them. Really do you wanna make friends with people that are going to talk down on others?
Oh and like Jenn says girls are almost always a lot more harsh on talking about scars but when a guy comes around it becomes a good story or something to laugh about.
Take care of yourself.


Proud Pacers!

by bini - 2007-10-09 08:10:15

I think you should be proud of your scar, don't let their comments bring you down.
I think all pacers should be proud of their scars and to show them off....this just might be something that is saving their life.
We are all beautiful people and we should not be affraid to show to the world our scars.


were Bionic baby!

by jennywi - 2007-10-09 12:10:13

Hey sweetheart,
Dont worry about them, do what you want. I have a pacemaker scar among many others (I'm always hurting myself) and I'm proud of them. Your special, you have something few others do, why not show off your scars. Scars are like tattoos but with better storys. Im 23 years old and when I go out I know girls always look at the scar on my chest and judge me, but you know what the guys always ask me about it and think its awesome.

Were bionic, be proud of it.



by marisab - 2007-10-10 09:10:47

Thank you all so much! You're all right, i shouldnt have to worry about my pacer beauty marks. I wouldnt take my heart problem back for the world ( i wouldnt want me to not have a heart problem) so if people have a problem with my scars after i tell them than thats their problem because me heart problem has made me a better person! It made me know not to be judgemental on looks and look inside.


by Fluzy Suzy - 2007-12-21 05:12:16

Hi mariasab
I dont know what has been going on with messages back and forth, but all i can say is that I think you are great and you seem to have a lot of confidence in what you are doing.
I am 59 years of age and have had a pm since 1987,
I was upset at first about scarring but what the heck, what is a scar if you cant have your health, which is most important? we all know that.
Keep smiling kid,
God bless

You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker completely solved my problem. In fact, it was implanted just 7 weeks ago and I ran a race today, placed first in my age group.