
On Aug. 21 a pacemaker was installed.I may be a little ahrad of myself.i retired in 1990 from the Foxboro Co.On a visit to my Dr I was diag. with cad.About 2000 I was going to Walmart when I had an accident and was informed that I was experiencing a heart attack.Rushed ny B and W Deaconess where two srents were installed,All was well for a few years.Then started having symtoms a tia but was ruled out.The problems persisted and the signals were getting closer when during a retuine exam at my Cardiolist exam they found some the problems that I had been bothered with.This was confirmed by an ekg.To confirm they put on an event monitor and had three events on the weekend as well as the next week.This resulted in the Pacemaker.Having minor problems with palpatations.


You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.