
I have a St. Judes zephyr xl dr 5926 pacemaker. It has been 6 weeks since I had it installed. My surgeon told me its ok to lift weights again. Today I lifted for the first time. After my workout I felt around the pacemaker with my fingers and have like a little slit or notch on the edge of the pacemaker facing my shoulder. From what I remember before my workout I thought it was a complete smooth circle. Am I just panacking?
Help...let me know if anyone has this same device.
Thanks !!!!!!!


It's OK

by bowlrbob - 2007-10-06 04:10:49

There is a notch on them i believe it is where the wires attach. I don't have your make of pacer but they all look about the same. Go online to the manufacturer and you can probably see a picture of the pacer. Bowlrbob

So soon?

by auntiesamm - 2007-10-07 02:10:56

Did your surgeon tell you to wait a period of time before lifting weights? Usually one is told not to exercise or raise the arms ABOVE shoulder level for 6 weeks but I wonder if weights might be too strenuous so soon. I hope there is nothing serious going on and that what you are feeling in the PM is part of it. Keep us posted.


green light

by perroloco429 - 2007-10-07 05:10:29

Thanks Sharon for your has been 6 weeks and my Dr. told me to go ahead, but take it easy and go light. I had other people reply to me and they told me it is where the wires come out of the pacemaker, so....I feel better. Thank you so much again and God Bless you!

Need not worry

by radhakrishnan - 2007-12-07 04:12:48

There is a very lengthy,twisted and projected part just above the pacemaker implanted on my right side. it is medtronic make.It seems like a worm over the skin causing much discomfort though i could manage with it for the last six months. I wonder there are so many models. so u need not worry.

You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

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I just had this miracle implanted two weeks ago and I’m feeling better.