I'ma New Kid

MY mom like tottaly turned crazy when she found out about this web site. I think it's really Kool to interact with other special people like me!!!
I am 11 years old and got my first Pacer when i was born. This is my last year in Elementary school.
I have lots of friends who are there to help me through my life.
When you first meet me i just seem like a normal kid with a normal life but people need to know that i am special in a special way. My fave Band is Marianas Trench, they are now on their conquer canada tour. I can't wait to meet others like me.
The coolist thing in now : Tech Decks
Cassie A.k.a MTrencher07


A Special Kid

by Cathy - 2007-09-15 11:09:52

Hi Cassie,

I think it is great for you to chat with other special people like you. My mom is on this website and is much older than you. I think your positive attitude is amazing and I hope other kids will chat with about what it is like to be special. When my son was born we found out that he has a different special problem than you do. But he is special and I wish there was a website for him to talk to other kids like him. Take care.



by marisab - 2007-09-16 12:09:45

hi i'm marisa, i'm 3 years older than you with a pacemaker too. Theres also another 11year old on this site I think her name is hailey101. When i meet new people they think I'm totally normal than I tell them I have a heart problem and they can hardly believe it because I'm so normal, so your not alone with people being completly clueless, i hope you dont move around too much like I have because its so much harder because some people are nice and others are rude about looks (meaning scars visible).


by admin - 2007-09-17 01:09:43

You are indeed special. It is not common for new borns (or even children) to get pacemakers. My first pacemaker was implanted at the age of 9 in 1978. I'm now 38 and live a great life.

It's nice to see you have such a positive attitude. It has made all the differnce in the world for me. It will also do the same for you.

If you or your mother have any questions, please send me a private message.



by Suze - 2007-09-17 03:09:41

Welcome, Cassie,

We're happy, like your mom, that you've found this forum. Your positive attitude is wonderful. On this webite, having a pacemaker IS normal.

You sound like a normal, smart and also very special 11 year old. And we are so pleased to have you aboard.

I think you'll help keep us all young.

Have a great day and take care,

You know you're wired when...

You need to be re-booted each morning.

Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.