Mastectomy with pacemaker

I am due to have my pacemaker replaced and found out 2 weeks ago that I have breast cancer even though the mammogram was neg for the last 5 years plus they could not find a mass on Ultrasound that I insisted on. A blind biopsy found the cancer. Both the pacemaker and the breast involved are on the left side ( plus I broke my left arm 7 weeks ago- it has not been a good summer). The EP and the surgeon are supposed to talk, but I think they are perplexed with what to do with the pacer. The surgeon has said he wants to go as high as he can and that will run into the pacer. The EP office has talked about going along the collarbone and attaching it there, or running an extension of leads under the skin to the right side. Oh did I mention I elected to have both breasts removed. I am wondering if I am the only person with a pacemaker that has had to have a mastectomy and if there are others, what there experience has been. Thanks



by DC Pacer - 2009-07-23 02:07:35

You will be in my prayers; my mom is a survivor and she also elected for a double masectomy even though the tumor was only on one side.

Well wishes to you as you work through these challenges.



by pete - 2009-07-23 03:07:21

Unfortunately getting one medical problem does not exclude us from getting some other problem. There is some belief in the medical profession that pacemakers can cause breast cancer. A lot of doctors now think that it is best to implant a pacemaker in a female patient as high up as possible. It is also suggested / recommended that regular mammograms are in order for such patients. Dont all panic the suspected increased risk is very small. They will probably move the pacemaker over to you right side and fit new leads rather than extending them. Hope it all works out for you. Good luck. Peter

So sorry

by Lizzie - 2009-07-23 03:07:43

Oh Chris, you poor thing. I don't know about pms and mastectomys,, but I'm sure your Dr's will get it right.
I think that if you have a lot of breast cancer in your family, your decision is a sensible one.
Good luck. I'll be praying for you .

PMs and Breast Cancer

by pacemaker writer - 2009-07-23 04:07:34

Here is a link to where patients are discussing breast cancer and pacemakers. It's kind of old but you can at least see that you're not alone!

I'm not familiar with the concept that pacemakers increase the risk of breast cancer. In 2002, there was a study out of Denmark that found slightly higher rates of kidney and bladder cancer among pacemaker patients than the general population but this article specifically stated that breast cancer rates were not higher among people with pacemakers.

I wish you all the best, you certainly have a lot to deal with. God bless you.

Hang in there

by G - 2009-07-23 05:07:02

I'm so sorry you're going through so much. I don't have any advice or experience but just wanted to lend my support.


Thinking Of You

by Wannabe - 2009-07-23 06:07:01

Poor Chris - what a wretched time of it you're having just now. I'm sorry I'm not able to offer advice of any kind with regard to the procedures and complications with your pacemaker. Like Lizzie, I'm sure the doctors will find a way around these. Most importantly, your illness is to be dealt with very soon. I want you to know that I'm thinking of you at what must be a very trying time. I wish you a speedy recovery and return to good health. Remember, we're all cheering you on through your ordeal. With very much love, Sheila

hugs and prayers

by Tracey_E - 2009-07-23 06:07:21

You definitely are not having a good summer! Thank god you were so persistent. No advice but sending you lots of healing prayers.

It may not be comfortable having it right on the collarbone, it may rub when you move. Have they discussed an abdominal placement? It's mostly done on children but not unheard of for adults. Or possibly moving it temporarily to the collarbone then putting it back in a more comfortable position if you decide to do a reconstruction? I don't know, just tossing out ideas. Bet wishes to you.

You have my support

by pacergirl - 2009-07-23 07:07:55

I can only offer you my support. I have no experience with what you are dealing with.

This is a lot for a little California girl to have to deal with, but we are made of very strong stuff. You are not alone and you have friends here. I encourage you to continue to come here to this site. You will find that there are some very compassionate people here, both men and women.

There are also women here who have survived breast cancer while having pacers and I am sure they will send some advice as soon as the read of your need.

May Blessings be visited upon you and hugs too!

Thank you

by Chris Bunn - 2009-07-23 08:07:39

Thanks for all the support. Now if I can just get the 2 doc's to contact each other.The surgeon seems like he has not worked with those of us with pacemakers before. I am in the medical field, but did Peds. so some of this is new, plus just the human side of it is sobering. If I weren't my own advocate, I would just be going back for a mammogram next year since I was told it was negative.The EP's office is great, as I have gone there for a long time for my atrial fib/av node ablation. They have tried to contact the surgeon 4 times with no luck. However, I understand the surgeon is great in the OR, so I guess that is what counts... I will keep you all posted.

Support and Strength

by rozybud - 2009-07-23 09:07:56

Remember to stay strong and we will keep you in our prayers and thoughts. There are more people with pacemakers now and I'm sure you will be in good hands.
Remember to come to this site often, and God Bless you.

Dear Chris...

by Pookie - 2009-07-24 09:07:40

Hi Chris.

I too wish you the best.


Lots of love and best wishes!

by Hot Heart - 2009-07-30 08:07:35

Thinking of you and thinking that we all must make the best of every day. Do something we like every day, eat something we like every day, and tell someone we love them every day.

love HH x

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