Power grids

In my state the "Rural Electrification" systems are really kicking into high gear. I pass three of those transmission farms everytime I travel a certain highway. These monsters are half as big as a football field and contian huge towers, massive coild and lines all enclosed in razor wire and chain link. My question is of course does such a contraption have an effect on my PM? I've tried other routes but there is at least one of these things on every road. It's probably just my imagination but I think I'm getting gaps in my heartbeat while passing by. My longest pause before PM was 9 seconds and I definitely do NOT want that to happen again. I didn't see heavenly lights but I also have amnesia regarding the whole event. What say thee?


may I "bump" this

by scpck - 2007-11-23 10:11:30

Any comments?

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