Has PM ever made anyone feel bad all over?

Hello again. I have a Medtronic installed 12/06. It was last adjusted 10/07.

I feel really bad much of the time....chest pressure, mild nausea, weak and generally just feel bad. Worst in the morning and gets better as the day goes on. The cardio says my heart is fine and there is nothing wrong. (PM is for atrial fibs, which it mostly has stopped, however the feelings are much the same as when I had A-fibs)

I have been to internist and gastro and taken dozens of tests, blood and otherwise and they say I am in great health for a guy my age. (77).

Question: Has anyone out there ever had similar symptoms that could be traced to the PM? I am about at wit's end here and would appreciate any input..



Feeling Bad

by 220 chandler ave - 2008-03-26 06:03:58

I had a Medtronic implanted 10 months ago and have had very few days when I actually can say I feel good. Iam not on any meds and I do feel alot of my not feeling well is due to not having adjusted to the PM. I know I will never have my old life back prior to the PM but should be happy that the PM should be making my life better. I think I need anti-depressants. Am going to therapy. All my testing comes out great.

Sharon B

Welcome Luke!

by harley63 - 2008-03-26 10:03:39

Your in the right place for support, encouragement and sharing of this special journey we are all on.

I've sent you a private message, which you can view in the upper right of your screen.

Again, welcome to our club. You can search for information on specific topics in the upper right grey bar of the website.

Harley gal

See today's post on Pacemaker Syndrome

by Swedeheart - 2008-03-27 05:03:12

Check out the great post on Pacemaker Syndrome that was posted today: March 27th! Interesting article by a medical professional. Might answer some questions.

Pacemaker syndrome

by gmnordy - 2008-03-27 12:03:14

I havent felt quite the same since my Pm in 2003. More tired, lots of chest pain, just a general feeling of malaise. One of my cardios suggested I had pacemaker syndrome. I googled it to see if it fit. So-so.
Good luck to you! Hang in there

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