newbie my story

I just wanted to tell my story in hopes that it will make me feel better. The whole deal started last December when I was feeling very sick thought it was the flu but turned out I was pregnant. So felt horrible and lost a lot of weight and finally in the beginning of February I went in to the er with a pain in lower right side. Yes I ended up having my appendix removed at 12 weeks. I thought things couldn't get worse but then two months later I rushed back to the er with the most horrendous pain in my rib cage area. I seriously thought I was going to die it hurt so bad. Turns out to be gallstones. And this time I was to far into the pregnancy to have it removed. So I had to deal with the gallstones and the painful attacks for the next 18 weeks. One week before I delivered I had an amnio done and told they could not induce so I just had to wait for nature to take its course. The delivery on 7/27 and recovery went super and I was back out with both my daughters within the week. So I scheduled an appt with the surgeon to get the gall bladder removed. But before I could get there I had another attack and went to the er and was admitted. During pre op is when they noticed my low heart rate and post poned the surgery and called in a cardio consult. So instead of the gallbladder surgery on 8/16 I had my pm surgery and then 1 week later I was back and had the gall bladder removed. so in less than a month I had a baby, a pm implanted and a gallbladder removed. My recovery has been long and painful. I really feel depressed and just wish this would all go away. I just keep expected another bad thing to happen. I really want to just feel better.


Hugs to you

by TexasAngel - 2007-10-06 10:10:04

Wow Melissa!

I am sure you are extremely overwhelmed! That is alot for a person to deal with!!

You will feel better again but it will take some time. Your body has been through alot. It takes an emotional toll as well as a physical one. Be patient with yourself. You will have ups and downs but the time will come when the ups are more frequent than the downs and before you know it you WILL feel better.

You said "both my daughters". Did you have twins?

Sending cyber hugs your way!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Melissa}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Michelle in Texas

That's my question, too!

by ela-girl - 2007-10-06 10:10:05

Did you have twins? I, myself, am an identical mirror twin, so I am biased. :)

I'm 30 and can't even imagine having a baby yet, so I can only imagine how overwhelmed you feel having a baby/babies, a pm inserted, and gallbladder surgery. You deserve an award! It's easy to say 'stay focused on the positive,' but you DO have a lot going for you. No more gall pains, a pm to make sure you live your best life and are around a long time for your kids, and your kids!

As Michelle said, it WILL get better. This is a great site where people look out for one another. Be sure to post your questions/concerns or happy times and someone will be around to respond!

I wish you nothing but the best!


by mommy2kayla - 2007-10-06 10:10:26

Thanks for the support. It is hard to focus on the positive but I guess time heals all wounds. I did not have twins, I have a three year old and the newborn. I love them both and could not imagine my life with out them. I was lucky that my mother was able to stay with me and my husband for almost six weeks after my baby was born to help out. I was alittle (well alot) upset seeing her be a mother to her when I could not. Things have gotten better and I am starting physical therapy next week to help with arm movement and strength and hopefully that will go quickly.


by tcrabtree85 - 2007-10-07 01:10:35

Welcome to this amazing club. You came to the right place for support. I am 21 and thought I was facing a lot all at once but man you have experienced so much. I look at it this way you have faced some pretty hard challenges and you've pulled through. What amazement that is. Your a fighter and can face anything in front of you cheer up you have two beautiful children as I am sure they are. I'm not a parent but when I was really down the thing that helped me most was the little ones that were in my life they can bring so much joy and cheer and even sometimes frustration but they are a big part of the reason you are alive. Let that motivate you to do things. Though as I say that you do have to take time to recover from all of your surgeries that you have had.
I hope that you have people surrounded by you to help care so you can rest and regain the energy that you so desire and need to have. Life will get easier and the stress of having a pm will become less of a problem. How awesome that the machine can keep you going so you can raise your children.
I will be thinking of you a lot as you face the challenges that are faced in front of you that you can have the strength and continue with the courage to get through each one of them.
If you ever need somebody to talk to you can private message me and I will give you my info.
Oh and before I forget I read about your scar on the other one. I have a cream called Triamcinolone Acetonide it seems to help with my scar some maybe they can give you some of that. Make sure you let your doctor know what is bothering you.
Many prayers going your way.


hi kayla girl

by jessie - 2007-10-07 01:10:41

boy oh boy the story is overwhelming. all this happened in your life in such a short time. i know now after having gone thru this unexpected heart experience that one does wait for the next shoe to drop. i started to relax when i was told after a thallium test for stress that i had no blockages. i was shocked because i thought at 65 i would. slowly i began to relax but still am tired easier than before but i am not sob anymore. i mean short of breath lol lol it is a year since my implant. so it will get better. you are special because you are one of us and have been given another chance at life. being angry watching your mother is so normal it isn't funny. this is your baby and babies to raise. so hang in their it will get much much better. jessie

hi kayla girl

by jessie - 2007-10-07 01:10:43

boy oh boy the story is overwhelming. all this happened in your life in such a short time. i know now after having gone thru this unexpected heart experience that one does wait for the next shoe to drop. i started to relax when i was told after a thallium test for stress that i had no blockages. i was shocked because i thought at 65 i would. slowly i began to relax but still am tired easier than before but i am not sob anymore. i mean short of breath lol lol it is a year since my implant. so it will get better. you are special because you are one of us and have been given another chance at life. being angry watching your mother is so normal it isn't funny. this is your baby and babies to raise. so hang in their it will get much much better. jessie

hi kayla girl

by jessie - 2007-10-07 01:10:49

boy oh boy the story is overwhelming. all this happened in your life in such a short time. i know now after having gone thru this unexpected heart experience that one does wait for the next shoe to drop. i started to relax when i was told after a thallium test for stress that i had no blockages. i was shocked because i thought at 65 i would. slowly i began to relax but still am tired easier than before but i am not sob anymore. i mean short of breath lol lol it is a year since my implant. so it will get better. you are special because you are one of us and have been given another chance at life. being angry watching your mother is so normal it isn't funny. this is your baby and babies to raise. so hang in their it will get much much better. jessie


by hooimom - 2007-10-07 03:10:31


Congratulations on having a healthy baby. What a blessing to have a healthy baby after going through so much during your pregnancy.

You have a lot to adjust to all at once. A single surgery, pacemaker or birth of a baby is a major stress on your body and you have gone through all three in a month. I would be surprised if you didn't feel overwhelmed and scared. Your body has a lot to recover from and I would imagine it would take some time. Hormones can fluctuate radically after birth and that probably isn't helping your depression. Have you called your doctor to discuss how you are feeling?

I had my children almost three years apart and it was exhausting keeping up with everything. Make sure that you are getting rest and taking care of yourself. It is very important for your recovery that you do that.

Try not to let all of these difficult challenges keep you from enjoying this time with your girls. You obviously love them very much. Do whatever you need to do to feel better and get back on your feet. Try to focus on the blessings that are right there and put the difficulties in the past. Physical therapy is a great step toward total recovery! You are on your way!!!

You'll be in my prayers.

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You invested in the Energizer battery company.

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A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.