Activities Profile

To all the wonderful members of this organization,

I've been a member for less than a month and I really enjoy all the postings, but I respond only when I have some relevant input. Usually, I look for the posters profile and then send a private message...unless I think I have some nugget of information from which all could benefit.

I have always been a very active individual and I don't plan on something that will prolong that lifestlyle (i.e. a PM) from doing anything but enhance that approach. My question is: how can I find others on the site that have similar interests and activities without painstakingly looking at each members profile? Would it be possible to search for all those individuals that like...say, horseshoes (just to be outlandish - hope I'm not stepping on anyones hooves)?

I'm mostly "computer illiterate" so I don't know if the data base could be sorted that way. Is that part (or any part) of our profile information available to all? I would assume that if we didn't want our age, gender, home state or country (or whatever else is entered when we registered) to be published we could just leave that section blank.

Hope I'm not opening a can of worms here (or since we are very international rather than regional, how about Pandora's Box?),

Gary from Appalachia


Hello Gary

by pacergirl - 2007-11-11 08:11:53

Well, I have not read any request such as yours before. I was intrigued by your picture... Or I should say your pack and that was why I posted the earlier question to you. I love the outdoors and enjoy sailing, swimming and my husband's Jeep wrangler. We also like camping and general outdoor activities. We live in Kansas. We like going to Arkansas and the mountains.
As far as sorting the data base according to interest and activities.. well that would be something only Tman or Blake could do. You could ask for a poll as to what other pacers like to do in their free time. I am guessing that you will fine we are a very diverse group of people.
Sometimes pacers do arrange to meet in person. Peter and I met in the UK with our spouses. We had a great time!
Well, good luck to you, I'll be watching with interest.

Moving On

by gevans - 2008-06-17 11:06:49

I still check in here once in a while, but most of my online time I now devote to We (several dozen members of that site) are preparing for a half-marathon in the Cuyahoga NP this September, and we had 22 members compete in the NJ Marathon, Half, and Relays earlier this spring. I'm also training for the Columbus Marathon later in the fall so things are going fabulously.

Just wishing the best to all those that are not satisfied with being a couch potato and want to lead an active lifestyle while proudly wearing a little electrical device under their chest.


You know you're wired when...

Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

Member Quotes

Since I got my pacemaker, I don't pass out anymore! That's a blessing in itself.