pacemaker is removed duane

just a update got home today operation was at 11.00 am got done at 11.20 am sent home at 1.30 pm everthing went well in taking out my pm and defib I'm sore as heck my whole side and shoulder area hurts but I'm taking some pain killer pills to help.
I asked the doctor if I could have the machine It is sitting in the other room in a plastic cup
I;m glad its over know and I will come here the same as before I"ve meet some interesting people here and talked to many nice paople to thankyou all for your remarks left I just wish every one had the chance I've gotton but never give up I thought I would have mine till the end but someome is watching over me and I thank him very much.
my wife and kids we're pretty worried but they we're behind me all the way my wife is still worried but I would be to thank you all for being my friends on the internet world I just wish every one here could meet each other thanks duane huskersnb2


Fantastic!!! Congratz!!!!!!

by Pete K - 2008-05-01 10:05:06

Way ta go, again, Duane!! Hopefully a few of us will be following behind you in time. May be a bit painful for now, but, I bet it feels worth it to get rid of that thing and to know that you're healthy again.


Jolly Good

by Wannabe - 2008-05-02 03:05:12

Darling Duane - Well done! A jolly good job done and dusted. Hope you're soon restored and painfree - I'm sure you'll heal up quickly - after all, there's no foreign body in there to adjust to any more! Take care of yourself and do come and visit us here to let us know how you're going on. Best wishes from England. Heaps of love, Wannabe xxx

Way to go Duane!

by Swedeheart - 2008-05-02 12:05:25

So glad your surgery went well. Hopefully this is the last time you will have to go through this shoulder soreness and recovery!

With the current research and advances in science I certainly hope they can find a way to correct or reverse many of the heart issues that are now controlled by pacemakers/ICD's. Maybe in 10 years we can all have ours in a cup... :) That would be cool!

You have a unique perspective because of your situation and I am sure you will be able to continue to provide good insight to others here. I hope you "hang" around!

Again, good luck in the future!


You know you're wired when...

Your license plate reads “Pacer4Life”.

Member Quotes

Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.