Thank you all for your positive thoughts.

Thank you all for your wonderful messages. My life has been pretty lonely and the joy you all brought to me saw tears well up in my eyes. I was truly touched, so was Brian who sends his thanks too.

So, here is the news. Brian saw the surgeon on Monday 7 October. The previous injection into the area in Brian's spine showed good results so they know where to operate. Surgery is planned for about third week in November. We have to go to the mainland from Tasmania. (Melbourne). At this stage the surgeon plans a one level procedure. He is going to leave the piece of bone that is kinking the spinal cord as it is for the time being. He will a remove a disc, fuse and put a basket in place in the upper thoracic region of the spine. Not too sure how it will be done will have to ask further questions when my head has stopped spinning.

The surgeon asked me how I would cope with it all on my own. I told him that as I have a pm I just take one day at a time and if I can cope with living all over the world with Brian's job as it was, then I will get through. He was very kind and showed concern but said in that case obviously you will.

The operation is going to be very expensive (about ten thousand dollars) after private refund and medicare rebates but it is worth it, we are sure. I guess you guys would pay more in the States. So, we await the quote for the figures. Bit like going to the panel beaters.

I sincerely thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayer lists. Keep it all activated and I will let you know how we progress. There were so many of you that left comments that it is impossible to thank you all individually. I hope you can all understand. Once again it is all so appreciated. I feel you are all the family I don't have.

I am keeping positive as because next year, we want to plan a trip to travel to see Pookie and Jessie and anyone else that wants to meet us. It would be nice if there was a PM gathering some where.

Love and best wishes and thanks to you all.

Billie xxx


Good News

by Wannabe - 2009-10-07 04:10:07

Dearest Billie - it seems as though there're positive results in view from Brian's investigations and I'm so pleased to hear the news. Of course you'll cope, Billie, no doubt about that at all and 10 thousand dollars is a small sum to contemplate when weighed in the balance of Brian's health - after all, you probably saved for a rainy day, didn't you? Well, a rainy day's here and you're equipped to cope with it.

I send further positive thoughts to you and to Brian who suffers through it all, poor darling. Be safe and well, both of you and remember I'm thinking of you and praying for you. I send all love, Sheila

billie and brian

by jessie - 2009-10-07 06:10:32

blast! back surgery! but then it will help and of course it is worth it. please know we are thinking of you two and billie and i have found out that we are both strong and can adapt to situations. so i know she will. there is no doubt there at all. i will continue praying and i hope that the time goes faster and you get it done. kind thoughts and love,jessie

Billie and Brian

by pacergirl - 2009-10-07 09:10:22

I pray that everything goes well for you. That the hands of the doctors are steady and skilled. I pray for a speedy recovery and a painless one.

I hope you know how special both of you are and that you know how much your friends care about you.

May my thoughts and prayers bring you comfort as they are intended to do.

Take care,


by Carolyn65 - 2009-10-08 12:10:22

Thank you Billie for your update on you and Brian. The news sounds like it is upbeat. I am a firm believer God does not give you a larger load than your shoulders can carry. It may seem you just can not carry any more of life's load, but just when you think you have had all you can handle, good news comes along, Brian gets better, surgery is good and your health improves. You, Brian and your families are way overdue for some good news and good health. I have been thinking of you'll each day since you told us Brian was going into the Dr. All our prayers and thoughts will be with you, Brain and your families through out the holidays. 2010 will be a good year for you. God Bless and take care ~ Carolyn G.

love and prayers

by Hot Heart - 2009-10-09 04:10:56

from Hot Heart xx

You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

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