
I feel so tired lately. Just like when I had sss. The tiredness seems to wash over me starting at the top of my head and flowing down to my feet. I know I am coping with a lot lately and my family have never realised what it is like to have gone through having a pm. My pm was implanted in September 2004 and tests show there is little battery used. even though I pace 100%

I have had a heart mumur all my life. After so many beats the blood flows backwards. I often feel weak but then I have had that all my life when I "overdo" things. I am not due for a pm check and cardio check until Feb as I had to put off having it done this month because of Brian's pending surgery. Hope it is just the weather that is getting on top of me but any comments would be greatly appreciated.



by jessie - 2009-10-15 04:10:22

i too have head a murmur all my life from the rheumatic fever. i don't know if it will help at all but i also feel the tiredness at times. i just go for a nap and i regenerate. i know my whole body. my batter is due to last for seven years. if you think it is that kind of tiredness go straight the clinic and they will get you in. if you go to e.r. they will hook you up and see what is happening.don't take any chances please. i know you have a lot on oyur plate right now. jessie

tired too

by rvrs7081 - 2009-10-20 04:10:12

Some days I just get tired, take a nap and re-generate. some days I just read and relax. I call that my "down day"
Of course, we all know it has nothing to do with age. (I am almost 74). I just check my pulse rate and my oxygen and know I am ok. If it were bad, I would just call the pacemaker clinic and they would run the test. We can't be full of youthful energy all the time. Stress can make you tired too. I sure hope you are feeling better soon and please give Brian my best on his impending surgery. He will be in my prayers. Ann

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Do feel free to contact the manufacturer of your device. I have found them to be quite helpful when I have had questions and concerns.