ICD download

anyone know where I can get a zip drive full of ICD information decoded?



by pacergirl - 2010-02-24 12:02:34

Maybe it is the program you are using to read it that is the problem. What are you using to "open" the file? Have you tried "placing" the file instead? It really just depends on what you are using.

I could be wrong about this.... I'm no programer or an expert on programs, but I have a lot of experience with files and problems that have to be solved one way or another.

If you are asking what the numbers all mean in the actual report that is a different situation and I would have to go to ICD school to help you with that.

Hope this helps you in some way.

Do you mean a zip file?

by kmcgrath - 2010-03-11 05:03:16

Zipt files contain other files that have been "zipped" i.e compressed to save space into one file usually with a .zip extension. If this is what you have then just try double-clicking on .zip file and you may then be able to view the files that are inside it. Most newer windows operating systems have the ability to view zip files on the fly. If you have an older version of Windows you may have to download a utility to allow you to few the files. I used to use a product called WinZip and it may still be available to download or checkout the download section on CNET.

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