Sitting here waiting for my EP study/Ablation

I'm just sitting here in the hospital waiting to get ready for my 2nd EP study and ablation for Vtachs. This is a nice hospital, private rooms, couch, recliner, nice.

I've been off my sotalol since sunday night and I feel great, actually. I forgot how bad that stuff makes me feel. Everyone I have talked to since I got off the meds for the procedure comment that I'm a different person.

I'm pretty sure this is going to work, but if not, I'm not going to take sotalol again. If I still have to take drugs to help control my Vtach, I'm swapping to something else that doesn't affect my personality.

Wish me luck here in an hr....


Good luck!

by Swedeheart - 2008-03-26 02:03:07


We are pulling for you! Hope all goes well and smoothly! Please keep us posted.

How nice you have your laptop and can use it in the hospital! Helps the time pass by much nicer than trying to watch the not-so-great selections they usually have on the TV channels.

EP study

by thomast - 2008-03-26 02:03:56

If you have to go back on a drug, you might try Tikosyn, I felt terrible on Sotalol, made a world of difference when I changed to Tikosyn.

EP study

by anniek - 2008-03-26 07:03:27

Hope all went well with the testing and ablation. I know what you mean by the change of personality between the drugs and the discomfort of the v-tach.No one knows what you are going thru unless they experience it themselves and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Feel better and take care Annie k

Well, worked and didn't work..

by turboz24 - 2008-03-27 09:03:46

Well, they were able to ablate the spots that resulted in sustained tachycardias, but there are still a lot of spots that will not sustain a tachycardia, but when he attemped to ablate any of those, my pulse would drop to 20-30 bpm, so he left those alone. I'm still going to probably be on some small amount of a drug, but at least the sustained places are gone. He wants to go conservative, keep me on the drugs, and slowly take them away. I'm going to disucuss with him today swapping awat from sotalol, but maybe if all I need is 80 mg/day, it would be ok. not my current 200 mg/day.

So, it was a win/loose situation.

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You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.