My 1 year....

Well, today is also my 1 year ICD implant date.

Overall, I guess it's not to bad.

I still have pain issues related to the ICD, but as long as it doesn't get worse (probably will not get better), guess it's ok.

I still will not look at it (so almost 1 year since I saw myself shirtless), so still causes me self image issues. At least each year that goes by means 1 year closer to having it replaced and relocated. I really need to start wearing sunblock (arms, neck, face) anytime I go outside, I'm starting to develop a wicked farmers tan. I Still occassionally feel like the dented can on the grocery store shelf. You know, the one that everyone passes up because it's all banged up. Of course that doesn't mean that it's spoiled inside, but it's kind of hard to feel confident being that dented can.

I'm going to test how much my ICD likes or dislikes my welder here this year.

But I guess on the good side my first ablation removed most of my Vtach issues. I had one blip since my ablation. I might have to have a 2nd one done, but I'm going to wait a little longer. I'm off most of my medications, so I no longer feel like a walking zombie, which of course is good.

Once can wish that I never have another Vtach issue and I can have the ICD removed for good, but probably not that likely, but you never know.....


you made it thru a year

by jessie - 2008-09-14 08:09:20

see you did it. you also are working at a good job. you are nice looking. you have a good sense of humour and you are generally kind except when you talk to me lol just a joke okay? so progress is being made. meanwhile you are not allowing your life to pass. you are going to try welding again, your hobby. you exercise dilligently. i would say all in all not to bad for a 34 year old. so good thoughts to you for the future. none of us have guarantees. we don't come with that somehow. so take care my friend and it will be okay. your friend jessie

You made it!

by candi51 - 2008-09-14 11:09:52

Hey congrats on making it through one whole year!
Just listen to what jessie wrote- you know she is right!

Wooohooo 1 year!!!

by sis - 2008-09-15 01:09:06

Well happy 1 year ICD!!! Thanks for keeping Turbo safe he's such a great guy just like Jessie said!! :) Sis

It's ok

by gamma - 2008-09-15 01:09:49

The first time a I wore a bathing suit I thought every one would stare. No big deal as it turns out. I consider my pacemaker my close friend. Has saved me from V-tachs and A-fibs. But I would check in about welding, is it Arc welding? I think there is information about that in the handbook that you were given about the ICD and/or pacemaker. I'm on my fourth device. Doesn't bother me to see the device.


by turboz24 - 2008-09-15 01:09:57

My info says keep the welding tip 12" from your ICD. Another source said keep it 24" from the ICD. Well, I guess I will find out.

It will not bother me when it's moved to under the muscle. Right now, it's just under tightly stretched skin. So, it's a nice, well defined ICD shape (2.5 around or so). At least when they are testing it, I can sit up, because the ICD sticks out enought for the programming ring to basically hand off it.

You know you're wired when...

You read consumer reports before upgrading to a new model.

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