
I asked for your advice, experiences and opinions, and I thank you for them. Now I'd like to express myself further: I've had gastric juices extracted from my stomach through an ng tube, a liver biopsy, a bone marrow extraction; an epidural with my first child and natural childbirth with the second (if I had to do it again, I'd go natural again); two cystoscopies with a ureteral stent insertion and removal, and four lithtripsies (kidney stone procedure) and none of that bothered me as much as thinking of people handling me while I am "out"! Good description jessie, "date rape drug". If I'm out I'm not consciously consenting to what's happening to me. When I was in labor with my first child there was a woman who was moaning and screaming, and a nurse told me, "she doesn't know what she's doing". To me, the only thing worse than being out, is doing stuff, or someone else doing stuff to you, but afterwards you can't remember it! As I awaited my pacemaker surgery, my biggest concern was the possibility of them knocking me out. The closest I can come to feeling okay about it is having the doctors and my husband promise he will stay with me the whole time I am unconscious. But how will they know if I can "appear conscious" yet not remember later? Am I the only person here who has issues with this?



by Bionic Beat - 2008-11-19 08:11:00

You won't be unconscious on Versed, just sedated.

My GP had a colonoscopy and didn't have any drugs as he wanted to work in the office that afternoon.

I asked him about it, just, and he stated that it was "kind of crampy" but he was fine.

After reading the earlier responses, all favouring taking Versed, you may want to discuss it with your doc if you are against their suggested sedation.

Everyone has their own ideas of what they can/cannot tolerate. If you don't want drugs, try it without.

As for giving consent, that's done before you're drugged.

Good luck with it, let us know how it goes without sedation.

Bionic Beat


by Pookie - 2008-11-19 09:11:45

It sounds like you've been thru a lot before, so I'm certain you know what is best for you. Please remember that I'm a whimp and will take any drugs offered.

Vonnie....what is a ng tube? I'm having a PH Test on Dec 4th and am kinda nervous as I will have a tube down my nose into the esophagus for 24 hrs! it is to measure the amount of acid backing up into that area.

thanks and good luck...keep us posted.



by jessie - 2008-11-20 12:11:15

i have had my dr. for 5 colonscopies plus he operated on our son's hernia. he uses versed to do my colonoscopies. i trust him completely. he is from south africa originally and then worked in newfoundland for years. i could never have it without sedation. not interested thank you very much. jessie

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I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.