
Well my Doctor has changed my meds since I had the V-tach episodes and I am wondering if anyone else is on Nadolol. I am to take 80 mg twice a day. Just wondering if anyone has had any problems with it. Thanks



by Jules1983 - 2010-09-21 09:09:25

I took it for a while. I found it made me extremely tired when I was taking 80mg twice a day. I could barely function and my blood pressure was very low. I reduced the dose to 40mg twice a day and felt better...still a bit tired but functional. Other than that, no problems. Although, you are not allowed to have epinephrine with this drug so make sure you tell your dentist if you need any work done.


by Deb - 2010-09-21 10:09:11

Thanks for your input. I didn't know about the epinephrine. I just hope it helps with the v-tach as I past out a month ago and my 11 year old had to call 911. I just went back to the ICD clinic and I have had another 5 episodes in the last few weeks. I have LQTS and this is my 3 medication I am trying. Thanks again.

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Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

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Yesterday I moved to a new place in my mind and realized how bad I felt 'before' and the difference my pacemaker has made.