thanks for all your support

Hi everyone!
This website has been a big help during my recovery from my 1st PM. I knew no one who I felt shared my experience, until I met you all.
Now at 11-weeks post-PM, I barely notice it during the course of the day. Man, am I grateful to be able to say that!
Maybe because I'm too skinny, but I thought the feeling of it "digging into my chest" with arm movements I do all day at work would never go away! Now it's cool.
I figure I owe it to the "newbies" to say, hang in there. Although I wouldn't recommend exercising before your doc clears you, do move your arms a lot within the doctor's guidelines. I think it helps you to keep your range of motion, and to heal.


I also am a newbie to the site, but not the PM

by NH - 2007-11-27 03:11:25

Welcome to this wonderful site and I know we will enjoy learning more and seeing other' experiences.

Take care,


Thanks from a newbie

by Shelly - 2007-11-28 04:11:37

Hi mandogrl,

This is a great place to share experiences isn't it?

I'm only 2 days post op, feeling better already, but do have some concerns about the possibility of it digging into my chest when moving my arms in the future.

Hopefully I won't have to worry about that, but since you've experienced it, but it's gone away after 11 weeks, I know that if that does happen, I wont panic and just wait to see if if settles itself.

It's reassuring to have hints and tips like that.

Shelly (UK)

You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

Member Quotes

A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.