
I have had my pm for almost two years and am 100% dependent. I have also had insomnia for the same amount of time and was wondering if anyone knows if the settings have anything to do with not sleeping? I am talking about all nighters many nights in a row. Love you guys. Thanks. DD



by Island Girl - 2008-12-15 03:12:46

Have you tried 5mg of Ambien. It works great for me. I get the 10mg and break it in half. Get the genertic as it is cheaper. It helps me fall asleep and I don't feel sleepy in the morning. I do have a pacemaker.


by Tracey_E - 2008-12-15 04:12:16

Pm's should not have any affect on your ability to sleep. Are you on any meds that you started when you got the pm?

Do you have problems falling asleep or staying asleep? Certain vitamin deficiencies can cause insomnia. I fall asleep just fine but wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake. I did some research and it said calcium, niacin and magnesium deficiency can cause it. I got Michael's Sleep Naturally vitamins and they work like magic for me.


by Elke - 2008-12-15 09:12:48

I have a hard time falling asleep since I 've had my pacemaker, which is about 18 months. I think in my case it has to do with me hearing every single heart beat really loud. If it is irregular I get anxious. I used to take anxiety pills for about 6 weeks , but then I felt tired all day long and less aware and when I tried to get off, I ended up in the ER with palpitations etc. I then went back on and went off the pills slowly over a 3 months period. Now I feel better during the day, but I'm back to being restless at night. Usually I try to think of something pleasant to ease my mind or just try to ignore my ticker and then I finally doze off.A nice affirmation or prayer also does the job.
Anxiety meds are very addictive and I would like to advise against it, if you're going that way.


by boatman50 - 2008-12-15 10:12:53

I also have a hard time sleeping. I have had the pm for over 2 years and have been taking ambien for at least that long. Part of the problem is from PTSD I have from working at 9/11 and TWA flight 800 but my pacer is set at 70 as the lower rate. Normally my heart would be at 50 and I think that is my problem. Newer pm have a night setting that would allow a drop between set times, say midnight to 6 am, or whatever you and the doc come up with. Maybe you have that ability on your pm and could check it out? Taking ambien my entire life does not sound good to me and gkgjh

insomnia here too

by blueangel1432 - 2008-12-16 06:12:30

Make sure to tell hem on your check up but not sure they wont just attribute it to stress of the new pm, I am an ambien girl, works like a dream (punny) but natural remedies can help like melatonin . good luck

Pacer affect on sleep

by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-16 12:12:07

Boatman has the right idea. A high (for you) lower limit tells your body you should be awake and active. Another thing that can interfere with sleep is the pacemakers self test. Often it is programmed to perform the test when you are asleep and won't notice it. For some people though it can wake you up or induce unpleasant dreaming.

The self test is very similar to the office check in that the HR is run through a series of rates, pacing is changed from single to double chamber, etc. The only time I notice mine is if it coincides with waking up for a bathroom trip. Otherwise, I am sound sleeper, but can sure understand how a light sleeper would be affected.

Check this out next time you have a checkup.


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