Fast Heart Rate Episodes

Yesterday I had an 8hr episode with a fast heart rate @120bpm. While the rate eventually became normal @60bpm (my PM is set at 60bpm), my heart feels "sore". I'm thinking it is muscle soreness maybe? Just wondering if anyone has experienced something similar after bouts with a high heart rate.


my hr

by lryegbert - 2008-10-22 08:10:16

I did have times of fast hr@ up to 120 my pm is set at 60/170 and i would sit and prey for the pain and shortness of breath to stop. I spent 5 days in the hospital with IV in my arm i peed out 24 lbs of lquid congestion.with that water weight off the hr goes up and down as it should and i don't get short of breath much at all anymore GOOD LUCK

did you call your doctor?

by Tracey_E - 2008-10-22 10:10:16

120 is not that high, but 8 hrs being that high for no reason is odd. Did you have caffeine? A cup of regular coffee can set me off for HOURS! If you're feeling any sort of chest pressure or pain, I would ask to be seen. You're probably fine, but it's not worth taking chances.


by PeggyR - 2008-10-22 10:10:24

I haven't experienced those symptoms -- hope you contacted your doc office to see if they want you to stop by for a visit. Take care and good luck

know how you feel

by clemsongirl - 2008-10-23 01:10:07

I've experienced several long episodes of afib (15 hours, 36 hours, and my latest and greatest 10 straight days). Even shorter episodes wear me out. My chest would feel heavy for a couple of days. The only way I can describe it is that if felt as if I'd been trying to run in very cold weather - you know that feeling in your lungs. The 10 day episode happened just 2 weeks ago and I'm still reeling from it. Cardioversion only worked for 2 hours, it was back on amiodarone for me. Since then I've had breathing and stomach issues not to mention extreme fatigue. I'm getting better slowly, but it's been a process. I wouldn't be too concerned about your symptoms unless they don't improve a day or two after the episode.

bruised heart

by alice G - 2008-10-23 07:10:53

hi before i had my pm i had the same problems as you i didnt have the pm to slow things down and it would be fast and irregular for hours sometimes days.. i asked my doctor about this he said your heart is a muscle and its working so hard that it is like you running your legs in your muscles get tired and heavy . well this is the same sor t of thing. please get advice about this as everyone is different. i use to feel like someone had used my heart as a football and it felt so bruised. i also had breathleness but it was due to the lack of oxygen .

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