about tests

Hopefully, Smitty or Electric Frank can answer this. AV node ablation, heart block, single lead to ventrical and my last pacemaker check showed three episodes of high ventricle rates 212 to 226, so I am scheduled for echocardiogram today and the Persantine Gated Myoview scan next week. The nuclear scan is leaving me a little nervous because it seems as tho what is left working in my heart has already been stressed enough. I have had the test before my pm. Have you had it after pm.? Would really appreciate your thoughts and experience... aldeer



by SMITTY - 2008-05-14 05:05:29

Hi Aldeer,

I'm not sure I can help, but if you don't mind I'll do a little talking and guessing.

You say you have had the test before, so you know how crappy it can make you feel. While I've never had this form of echo cardiogram, I can understand what they are doing, I think. I have had the so called chemical stress tests where they use Persantine to dilate the blood vessels of the heart and body before injecting radioactive thallium

While the Persantine makes a person feel like dirt, I don't think it actually stresses the heart all that much. Persantine dilates the blood vessels in the heart. Of course your heart rate increases, but by dilating the blood vessels it lowers the blood pressure significantly which, I'm guessing again, is the main thing that makes us feel so poorly during this test. But with the lowered BP the heart is actually having to work less hard to pump the same amount of blood. The dilated blood vessel also gives a better of the blood flow in the heart during this test.

Of course I can understand your concern over doing anything that may increase the stress on your heart. So I'll offer the useless suggestion of try to relax and even though you will never feel worse, the stress on your heart probably is much less than the way you feel.

Good luck,



by aldeer - 2008-05-14 06:05:09

Meant to say word relax.... aldeer


by aldeer - 2008-05-14 06:05:22

Thanks, Smitty for the info and "not useless" suggestion...I guess the work relax is about the best thing we can do for our hearts! aldeer

Hello Aldeer

by mytrose44444 - 2008-05-16 12:05:24

I got my pacemaker in 2005 just about 5 months ago i had the same test you are having and i did not notice any difference with from what i had had without the pacemaker,,,,,,,
mytrose44444 /valerie

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