question about rollercoasters

I am planning a trip to cedar point and was wondering if it would be okay to ride on the rollercoasters, I had my pacemaker since oct last year.. does anyone know if this is safe.. thank you very much for any advice.


Have fun!!

by abc123 - 2008-07-13 02:07:29

I just got home from my vacation to Darien Lake. I went with my friend who has an ICD and I have a Pacemaker and we went on all the roller coasters! I was told to stay away from the Ride of Steel because it is stoped by magnetics but I went any way. I hade no problems with any of the coasters all week. I called the # on the back of my pacer card and they told me to avoid magnetics and sholder straps, but I did not listen and had no problems. Be safe and have fun.

Roller Coastersq

by Stacey28 - 2008-07-13 08:07:18

Yes, It is okay for you to ride roller coasters. I was just at Kennywood park and rode the roller coasters. The only rides that you need to stay away from are the rides that take you up and then drop you because they have a magnet on them they could do something to your pacemaker. My EP doctor said that it was alright to go and ride the roller coasters.

Go for it!

by Lotti - 2008-07-13 09:07:33

Hi there. I ride on numerous roller coasters with no adverse effects! Including ones that drop you! My only tip would be check on the warnings board for each ride before you queue up. I have found one coaster that I can not ride due to electro magnetics. (Rita - Queen of Speed) But it states this clearly on the sign and warns that if you have a pacemaker not to ride.
Have fun!



by Tracey_E - 2008-07-13 10:07:58

I'm surprised to see how many of you ride roller coasters! I wouldn't have thought it was good for the leads. Shhhh, don't tell my kids! I don't wanna ride them and the pacer has been a great excuse to stay off them :o)


by sweetkozy - 2008-07-14 04:07:10

I ride EVERY ride! I am still alive....Go for it!

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