Book Recommendation

Just thought I'd share a book recommendation with you guys (aimed primarily at anyone with panic and anxiety concerns). I've posted here several times with questions about panic attacks and crippling anxiety and am glad to report that I have discovered a wonderful source of relief! The book I used is called "When Panic Attacks" and it's written by Dr. David Burns. This book has helped me solve problems that go far beyond my anxiety, and I really feel I've learned a lot about myself. It's a workbook and you definitely have to do your homework, but totally worth it. I am now living an anxiety-free existence and wanted to recommend this book to anyone else here who might be struggling. I just wish I had found out about it sooner and hadn't had to spend so many extra months barely leaving the house. I had tried using a hypnotherapist and a regular therapist and didn't have much success with either of them. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach in "When Panic Attacks" has proved really helpful for me specifically (I guess I can't really speak for the situations of others), and so I'd encourage you to try it for yourself if you're having issues with panic and anxiety. There are other CBT workbooks out there but this is the one I used and found to be particularly well-written and engaging (despite being a self-help book). I keep recommending it to my friends with other issues as well but have since been ignored. Oh, well.

Anyway, please buy the workbook and actually sit down to do it (don't cheat and skip over the exercises) and you will be thankful. I feel responsible to you guys (because a lot of us are in the same boat) and would hope that if someone else came across something that worked so wonderfully, they would let us know. This is what worked for me.


great author

by Tracey_E - 2008-09-22 05:09:57

I haven't read that one but his Feeling Good Handbook is wonderful. My copy is dogeared from loaning it out!


by al113031 - 2008-09-23 04:09:41

i'm going to try to get my wife to look at this bk. she has a cloud of anxiety over her hed all the time punctuated by periodic anxiety attacks, we're both 76, married 53 yrs,but the wear& tear has been tough.

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