Stress in neck

I was just curious, after having surgery has anyone gotten stress in the back of their neck? And it causes you to feel lightheaded? Not sure if that is the cause, but just curious.



by faithman007 - 2007-12-13 02:12:20

I will sure do that.

Neck Stress

by pacergirl - 2007-12-13 02:12:40

Hello, of course stress on your neck, in my opinion, can cause pressure on the nerves as they travel down your spinal column, which can leave you lightheaded. I would most certainly get it checked out and I would ask to view the x-rays of where the stress is.

If you do go this route, make sure before you accept care from anyone that you are going to get corrective care and not just relief care, This is very important. Corrective care will fix the problem... relief care will only give you"relief" for a short while. Make sure you ask about x-rays before and after. You want see the changes. If you don't hear anything about re exam x-rays then you are not at the right place and leave before you pay any money!

There are good dr. and bad dr. make sure you know what you are getting.

Just my two cents..... hope you feel better soon.

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