First flight since pacemaker

Hello everybody!
Just back from taking my first flight since my pacemaker implant last October. I was anxious approaching security but I'm happy to report no problems whatsoever. I walked through the scanner and did not set it off therefore no wand checks were required. No problems to report inflight either. I rode a lot of the rides at Disney, but avoided any that required the bars that come over the shoulders and chest. The only thing that stood out was on rides that had a lot of jerky or shaky movements my heart rate would elevate due to triggering the sensors. It occured on the first ride I went on and honestly was very alarming as I wasn't expecting it. However my fears were eliminated after it occured to me why it was happening. No problems on roller coasters. The absolute worst thing was I got on the plane to head home as the temp was approaching 80 degrees, and two hours later got off the plane and it was 16!! What a Bummer! All the best to you all.


Don't Go thru the Scanner

by NH - 2008-02-01 03:02:32

I was told NEVER to go thru the scanner at the airport. It is set higher than the ones at dept. stores and might cause problems with your PM.

Also, be careful about riding rides that have warnings about heart conditions. I know a lot of them have warnings not to ride and some people choose to ignore the warning.

I just want to feel good and not have problems and thus I try to follow the rules the Dr. told me.

Take care,

airport security

by cesmith5 - 2008-02-01 05:02:16

Thanks for the advice. When I received my pacemaker I was told at the hospital not to go through the airport scanner either. However, I spoke directly to Boston Scientfic and they said it was okay to go through quickly and not to "hang around" in the scanner area. I hear different opinions on this issue. Best to play it safe and just not do it.

flying and Disney

by slarnerd - 2008-02-01 06:02:57

Hi. My son (18 mo old) has a pacer and we were told by the EP and the Medtronic rep that it was perfectly safe to walk right through the security scanner - just not to stop and stand within 6 feet of it. I am always nervous that the person ahead of us will stop or that we will be asked to wait just after passing through. Once this did happen and I said "my son has a pacemaker - it is safe to walk through but we need to move forward a bit." The woman behind the bag xray yelled out "wow, that was really stupid lady! Don't you care about your baby? That is not safe!" Everyone was staring, it was awful and I was furious. I said "listen, you are not a doctor and his doctor says it is perfectly safe." Since then, I just let them pat us down ... especially when I travel alone with my son and my 3 year old daughter.

I appreciate your comments about Disney. We will be taking him for the third time next month and now that he has a broken atrial lead, his pacer is set to motion on his ventrical lead -- so the bumpy rides may be extra thrilling for him. Good to know.

I have wondered and googled about the Electric Light Parade - it is supposedly run on underground magnets - has anyone watched it and experienced a problem?


Great test

by Tessy - 2008-02-01 07:02:51

Well done. You have given you PM a good testing. Happy days

first flight

by TOGUY - 2008-02-01 12:02:21

Hi just a quick comment the next time you fly do not go thru the scanner...I fly a lot and have never had to go thru the scanner. I just bypass it and get a pat down from security. Glad to hear you had a great trip and keep flying.

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

I am just grateful to God that I lived long enough to have my ICD put in. So many people are not as lucky as us; even though we sometimes don't feel lucky.