- by golem
- 2007-12-17 08:12:40
- Exercise & Sports
Hi All,
I'm also new to this group. I am Dutch and live in The Netherlands; 54 years old, male, and have my Medtronic 2 lead Adapta PM implanted three weeks ago, hopefully solving my AV block problem. The operation was non uneventful, because I had a total heart failure for about a minute and the operation had to ben stopped halfway. After installing a temporary PM with a lead through the groin, the operation was redone the next day and now everything works fine.
I used to enjoy going to the gym at least 4 times a week with emphases on resistence training. I have a small gym at home as well. According to my doctors, I should be able to do most of that again in a couple of weeks and I have even been doing some abs and arm training recently, which felt fine. I know I have to be careful. Scanning though earlier messages, I have seen members who have resumed resistence training but also people that say that many of weightlifting excercises should be avoided. This is a bit confusing. My PM technician doesn't seem to object to even benchpressing. I'm not a body builder, but enjoy some challenge: e.g. benchpress about 80-90 kilo's (178-198 pounds) or incl dumbell presses at 25 kilo's (55 pounds).
I'd appreciate any advice possible. Hopefully a bit encouregment as well.
Best regards and thank in advance,
pardon my grammar too!
by golem - 2007-12-17 05:12:13
Gevans did as I did and I found numerous typos and mistakes. I'm sure you (and the teachers amongst us)will forgive me. English is only my second language. I'll go slowly!
Start slowly
by boatman50 - 2007-12-17 11:12:47
Get the docs o/k to work out first, after 8-12 weeks or so depending on how you feel. Then start off easy, light weight but the same range of motions. A couple of weeks is way to early to start, you risk pulling out the leads. You don't want to go thru that again! There are a few people on here that lift still so I don't see why you can't.
Best of luck, Boatman
I second the "go slow" approach
by gevans - 2007-12-17 12:12:19
You may want to use the website's search box (upper right hand corner) and type in weightlifting, weights, working out, or various other descriptions to reveal previous posts and then send private messages to those people if you have more specific questions. This site has an extraordinary wealth of experience...and a willingness to share it.
Enjoy your new life,
pardon the grammar
by gevans - 2007-12-17 12:12:23
I just re-read my posting, I think it is "go slowly" (in case the teachers in the group were offended).
new & weight lifting
by Vai - 2007-12-17 12:12:36
There is plenty of good experience shared on this site. Nevertheless I will share with you some of my lessons learned. My comments are very conservative and plays it safe.
It is okay to resume gym exercises like squats and abs soon after the operation as long as you are up to it AND the range of motions do NOT include lifting your left arm over and above the shoulder. Example if you are doing sit-ups, ensure you do not raise your hands behind your head for support. This rule is a must for all exercises for at least the first 8 weeks (some say 6 weeks).
Bench presses and overhead lifts or any upper body exercises of which the range of motion involves the shoulder, biceps, pecs or traps - test the movements slowly and understand the range of motion pull or squeeze on the PM and the leads. If it moves the PM or the leads in any way, do not attempt it. Give yourself plenty of time to heal. My physio told me at least 12 weeks for safety.
After this period, begin slowly and build up from there. Stop if you feel uncomfortable in any way. Now 18 months after PM, I have regain full range of motion and can do all the exercises but I still exercise care not to overstretch or sudden pulls or pushes.
Lastly depending on your heart condition, your cardio may advise you against "weighlifting". I have cardiomyopathy and "weightlighting" to build muscles is ruled out. I can only do "weightlifting" to tone existing muscles. Its difficult to explain but it shows the term "weightlifting" is used and interpreted differently. Simply put, go to the gym for fun and exercise but no serious stuff, please. Heed your cardio's advise on limitations.
I hope this helps.
Wish you a blessed Christmas and a speedy recovery.
by gevans - 2008-01-10 06:01:41
I only wish I were as fluent in a second language!!! Actually, I wish I even KNEW a second language. Oh yeah, I'm also impressed by the weight pressed.
Puny Little Guy (but tough as nails - lol)
heart failure
by lisapaulina1 - 2016-03-11 03:03:15
I read your post and you said you had a total heart failure for about a minute..
How could that be ? Im a bit terrifying hear that
heart failure
by lisapaulina1 - 2016-03-11 03:03:44
I read your post and you said you had a total heart failure for about a minute..
How could that be ? Im a bit terrifying hear that
back after long time here
by golem - 2016-03-11 09:03:07
dear all, in 2007 I received my PM and actually life went on without too much issues after that. I was totally adapted to my PM and hardny paid any notice of it except occasional checkups. Had an active fitness program and was in good condition. A few other medical problems were more overriding two years ago, when I lost the use of 1 ear because of "sudden deafness" and since had continuous noises in the other still working ear.. Now I have even gotten used to that, but in 2014 while walking my dog I suddenly felt very bad and fainted. I turned out I had severe ventricle fibrillation thatlasted for 30 minutes. My 2 lead regular PM couldn't cope with that. Thank God normal heartrithm returned and when the ambulance had arrived I was much better. Nevertheless, checkout in hospital made clear that what had happende to me had been extremely risky and I had been lucky to survive. The next week my PM was replaced by a brandnew three lead ICD. The exisitng leads of the old PM could be reused and a third was added. Positioning the bigger ICD was rather painfull during surgery, but putting in the third lead was done very skilfully and the whole procedure under local sedation took about 1 hour. The next day I was happy back home again and the ICD that I received in 2014 has never gone off until now. Unfortunately I have returing atrial fibrillations and had to undergo cardioversion 4 times since. As a consequence I had to discontinue my fitness program, but despite the reslting worse condidition and body strength, I am doing very well. I sold my sailing boat, because I wasn't feeling very comfortable at sea any more but the best decision I ever made was taking a dog. She is my best friend and kept me going, also in bad times.Well, so far an update for those that are interested.
Best regards
"golem" (my nickname)
You know you're wired when...
Born to be Wired is your theme song.
Member Quotes
I swim, scuba, garden, hike, climb, workout, play with the kids, play tennis, baseball, basket ball and rollerblade with mine with no problem.
by golem - 2007-12-17 04:12:08
Thanks all, for your quick responses. My problem is "just" a serious class II AV block, so rather an "electrical" problem then a heart condition. The only worry should therefor be pulling the leads. The cardio limitations hopefully also just relate to repetative movments. I hope to be able to a cross trainer with arm movements eventually, as this was what I liked best before the operation. I will take your advice to take it easy the coming weeks. As I will take a short hollyday to visit friends in France in 10 days, I will probably start doing some fitness activity when I return in January.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Wishing you all happy Xmas and a healthy 2008,