PM & Pregnancy

PM and Pregnancy

I finally got the go ahead to have a baby! I am super excited yet scared. Evidentially, Coreg is a drug that can be taken during a pregnancy so that is a huge relief!

I can guarantee that I will have the only baby in town run on my pacer! Wild huh?

Has anyone out there gone through a pregnancy with a PM?


just Hi

by juliek - 2007-12-15 04:12:25

Hi 4UGiGi,
I just want to say its great to hear your good news. Ive just had a little Girl called Grace. Shes 6 weeks old and absolutely Gorgeous.
I am getting a pacemaker in the near future so have done things in a different order to you. Anyhow, I was totally reassured by my medical team that there is nothing to worry about being pregnant with a pacemaker. As long as your docs have given the all clear regarding the reason for the pacemaker there is no difference to any other pregnancy.
So enjoy and good luck

PM & Pregnancy

by POCKETS - 2007-12-15 12:12:51

Congraulations and Good Luck!!


by bionicmary - 2007-12-28 05:12:14


I too am pregnant with a pacemaker. None of the doctors here have any experience with my case so they are all a little nervous. I am not due until July so if you deliver before me, let us all know how it went and what to expect. Good luck with everything!


by sweetness - 2008-03-11 12:03:10

what wonderful news for you. I am a labor and delivery nurse, 21 years old and just had my pacemaker--i very much would like to be a mommy one day please let me know how things progress..i know here we just tell patients with any heart problem they should be seeing a high-risk OB for their pregnancy and stay up to date with their cardiologist. Best luck

If anything feel better

by genevieve - 2008-03-18 10:03:45

Hi there- I have had my pacemaker for eight years and have gone through one pregnancy and felt great knowing I had my pacemaker to manage any irregularities that may have occurred. Honestly I was considered like any other OB patient. Congratulations and good luck!!

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