PMer's Brains

Hey, I know you guys are tired of me, but I just wanted to spill my guts on things. I know this is stupid, but I was wondering if we are smarter than the average bear (not to sound conceited). My father is a biology teacher and he says scientists studied the brain capacities of people with transplants, and they actually recieve a little bit of that person's brain power. Does it work the same way for technology??? Yeah, it's stupid, but you guys sound pretty smart, and I'm not trying to brag, but my grades aren't too bad either...


Your first guess was right!

by johng - 2008-05-25 03:05:49

I, for one example, would not qualify as smarter than average.

If we were really smarter than average, then we would have avoided the causes of Heart problems.

Ask your father, what if the transplant donor was not very clever?
Does that mean we become stupider?

Sorry, it just does'nt seem right to me,
(But what do I know) ?

Keep posting, it all helps !

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Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

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