What's up?

Hey guys! I emailed my ped. cardiologist about a possible spastic vessel, as metioned in a previous post. We have off today and I am sooo bored and kinda dreading finishing my science fair project. You could call it a self - inflicted gunshot wound; I'm testing the interference of iPod Nano and an Video iPod with my Teletrace system. I know I'm a nerd but if it wins me something that's great! Have a great day!! I may be back ... :)


What's up?-You are a nut

by Jade - 2009-01-06 11:01:45

lol!! My girls will think that is a riot!! We joked about it would be funny to be able to shock people when the pacemaker kicks in.

You know those rude people in the grocery store, etc getting too close and me zapping them by touching their shopping cart.

I have not even opened my Teletrace box and you are testing yours with your iPod!!

Be Careful, there are links on the net that indicate iPod EAR PHONES can affect a pacemaker when the earphones are dropped around the neck

Good luck with your science fair project. It is 10:25 here, what is your time?

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

You'll come to peace with it in time.