
It snowed today!!!! There was actually enough to make it look like winter!! My friend and I hung at the mall today, and I bought a shirt with a robot on it. It has a heart on its chest, so I thought it was appropriate. I don't like roller coasters, but the band is going to Orlando in March and I know at Hershey Park there were signs advising people with heart problems not to ride certain rides (which were virtually all of them). Do these apply? I went to HP with the 8th grade last year, and I felt bad for our chaperone because he had to stay behind with me... Embarassing! Just wondering... It's exam week!!! Dreading those tests.



by Tracey_E - 2009-01-19 09:01:02

I go to HP every summer! Most of my family lives there and half my cousins work in the park or for Hershey. I ignore most of the signs because they're on pretty much everything but the carousel. At HP the only warning I take seriously is the brand new roller coaster, forget the name but it pretty much goes straight up then straight down, don't get on that one because they use magnets to stop it. The rest, it's up to you. If your pm is more than a year old roller coasters won't hurt you and others have done it safely, but it's not recommended either.

There are similar signs at the parks in Orlando. Lots of the rides have them, many of them are still fine to ride. If you ask the staff, they'll tell you not to get on- they have to for liability. You can ask them about magnets on the coasters if in doubt, but it's mostly the new ones that use the magnets, the old ones are fine.

Ask Loopy Lou about Ride to Mars at Epcot, that one is probably not a good idea.

Now, see, I'm a bit older than you, lol. I use the pm as an excuse to stay off stuff I don't wanna do. Oops, sorry kids, pacemakers can't do that one!

Seriously, do not be embarrassed about staying back! It's less embarrassing than an ambulance take you out because you took a chance and something went wrong. And never be embarrassed about something out of your control! When I was 16 my parents let me go to Europe with my social studies teacher and a group of students. The teacher had to hang back with me when the rest went up the Eiffel Tower, the tower of Pisa and the tram to the top of the mountain at some town in Switzerland who's name escapes me now. That was before I got the pm, I had a lot of limitations! It was annoying and frustrating, but not my fault.

Sheesh, I'm rambling tonight! Have fun on your trip. do you know what parks you'll visit?

You know you're wired when...

Your kids call you Cyborg.

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