Dealing with stuborn doctors

I just had an inspiration on handling those doctors who won't listen or tell us something..Throw your shoes at him!!! LOL

Best wishes for the holidays to all. Keep pacing!



Ha! good idea!

by Mrs.H - 2008-12-17 01:12:35

I had a ladyfriend who had a very ill daughter some years ago. When she encountered this problem once she grabbed hold of him by the tie!!!


by Tracey_E - 2008-12-17 01:12:38

You try it first and let me know how it goes ;o)

My favorite technique is a plate of homemade cookies for the staff. If you're in good with the staff, you've got it made!

Now I know

by Blueaustralia - 2008-12-17 02:12:32

I always wondered why I had such big feet. Now I know.
I could hardly miss a target with my size shoes. Happy Christmas and a great New Year to you. Your input and knowledge helps so many.

I DID!!!!

by sculptor - 2008-12-17 05:12:51

True story - I had a neurologist who wasn't giving my case due respect, and he pulled the "depression number" on me - he couldn't find out what was wrong, I was young and female, so I must be depressed. I actually DID throw a shoe at him, I swear! I was in the process of putting it on, and it somehow flew out of my hand and hit the door frame beside him. To this day I've not done something so crazy, but he made me SO DARN MAD... LOL! He did pay attention after that and gave me a spinal tap, which found things he hadn't expected to find. HA!

Need shoe thowing lessions

by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-18 12:12:53

I like the bush whacking idea!!

Maybe we need classes in shoe throwing! Otherwise, they will diagnose our missing the target as some sort of neurological problem.

I once threw a blackboard eraser at a student in one of my college electronic classes. I had warned the class that I wouldn't allow private conversations to interfere with the rest of the class and that I had been known to throw things. After 2 warnings to a pair of students in the back row I simply swung around and let fly. I never was any good at baseball, but for some reason this one right on and it bounced off his forehead. That was the last of the problem for several semesters. Work travels. Of course today I would still be defending myself in court.


Watch out

by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-19 12:12:22

Hey, I might hit you with a virtual eraser!


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