Band festival!

I have a band festival tomorrow and am scared and excited @ the same time!! AHHH! My eyes hurt soo bad from tiredness (is that a word?) Anyway, I feel like such a nerd cause I have a 95% in Latin 1 and a 97% in Academic World History and Geography 1... Oh well! I'm a nerd and PROUD of it!! Just like the bionic thing. Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow! :)

Goodnight! Sydney


good nite little nerd

by jessie - 2009-03-06 10:03:44

it is okay to be a nerd. good for you sydney. good luck at band festival . let us know how it went. love,jessie

A paced nerd

by ElectricFrank - 2009-03-07 12:03:19

You are a special kind of nerd..a paced one. If the grades bother you it should be easy enough to throw them a bit(:

Enjoy the band festival.


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