The torture has finally arrived...

Last night. I got my event monitor hooked up, had 2 episodes this morning (1 was picked up w/out help from me), and I almost broke it twice this morning w/ in 30 seconds. Pray for me today; not necessarily to get better (although that would be a nice perk), but so that I don't loose what little sanity I have!!! *yawn* I only got 6 hours of sleep last night... Oh, and the Little Box of Hell (LBH) makes the most obnoxious noise EVER!!! So embarassing...

Okay, well I'm done whining today, so thanks for putting up with me!! :) :) :)

Luv ya!


Torture arrived?

by Smart Redd - 2009-05-07 06:05:31

And here I thought the Prez outlawed torture in the US. We just might have to get Congress to investigate your situation. And sleep depravation? Are you ready to confess to anything yet?

Red in WI

hi sydney

by jessie - 2009-05-07 07:05:47

hehe i am with susie. you are a true solder you are but it must be so awful for you.i like susan's idea of the explanation. that should open a few mouths and before you know it you would be laughing. i hope the time goes quick and not slow and soon it will be a memory this test. thinking of you. hugs jessie


by pacergirl - 2009-05-07 09:05:38

I see you are already out the door! Good for you... LBH with you I see. You're going to have a great day, I feel it coming on.... the sun is finally shinning here and I am so happy to see it. Had my walk this morning and now I am leaving for work. I hope you have a blessed, wonderful day with you LBH and all that goes with it.

Hey, here is my idea....
If it makes the little noises and people can hear it, just smile and say you are a clone of yourself and the real Sydney is on the beach in Puerto Rico!

he he... see you soon!

You whine all you want

by walkerd - 2009-05-08 08:05:25

you go girl!!!! It will be over before you know it. And nothing you can say on here is whinning. Ill say a prayer for ya daily.
Your friend

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Airport security welcomes you.

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